Monday, June 28, 2004

Well, my sister got a new computer today. It is a eMac. Its...Interesting. She likes it.
I got all but one problem on half my test...And then got the extra credit question right. So, I got all the points for the first half of my test. The second half gets graded tomorrow...I don't think I did well on that part.
I watched Up town girls again...then freaked my mother out by dancing around the house. It would have been alright...except I kind of kicked a bowl that Julie had left on the floor from her dinner (thank heavens for plastic) and scared the kittens some... My mom loves me...even if I am a klutz. I mimicked the girl at the end pretty well...shows how bad I dance... The dog likes dancing with me though :) Only one guy has ever been brave enough to ask to dance...and he was not asking me, he was asking my friend and she volunteered me to dance with him. He did not even reach up to my shoulder...I was about two feet taller than him. And people wonder why I don't dance...

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Does anyone know how to get the smell of raw fish off ones hands? Scott came again will fish, and this time he taught Daniel and I to clean them. I did it again...this was Saturday church that evening my sister rights me a note, "Do you smell fish?" and I write back, "I scrubbed my hands...really I did." Well, Sunday evening I had to pull out the fish and cook my hands reek again...BUT I know how to clean if we ever go back to fishing for a living I will be prepared. I am going to go scrub my hands again...I hope I don't dream about the ocean again. I have not been to the beach in like forever. I have not gone since I have been home...we drive by it...look at it...but I have not gone yet... While at school I wanted to hit the beach...then realized that while at school is the first time for me to live more than 15 minutes from the ocean. Here we are like 5 minutes...La Honda we were like 7-10 minutes... In Cartagena we were 15 minutes from the water. But Longview is HOURS from the nearest ocean! Even though I do not go to the beach often...its shocking to realize that you have grown up around it. I was not born near it...I was born in a blizzard in Indiana. My dad said we would try to go sailing today, but he did not have time because he was packing for the China, Japan, Tibet, and Vietnam trip. When he gets back he will have one day then he is off to Florida. Oh well, its not like I see him much right now anyways. Must go study for my stats test Monday night.
Today is another day...
My dad got home this afternoon from Colorado. He leaves tomorrow at six am. Daniel is also going with him. Tonight while packing I was chosen to go out to the office to grab a medium t-shirt. Well, I know the way to get to the office without setting off the alarms...but that path was blocked by I went, grabbed the head, and then tried to step over the beam of water and between two bamboo canes which could be further apart for me but aren't. So, I get to the office door...and open it...and yeah, well, that sets off the of the doors were suppose to be broken so it was not supposed to, thus my reason for trying to avoid the alarm and end up in the sprinkler system. So I enter the codes and go to get the t-shirt. Sunday nights are the nights we have been robbed, being out all alone in the office at almost 11pm was not too fun. I then get the joys of rearming the system...and I don't press a button hard I have now entered the wrong beats me what to I press the button to clear the memory and reenter the beeps its approval at me...and I slam the door behind me waiting for the alarm to go off...knowing I must have done it wrong. I wait...and wait...nothing but silence is worked. But now I have waited to see if I did it right...and all the alarms are now sensitive I must return through the sprinkler system to get back inside. Well, I get my legs wet...not bad except I was wearing white short like things...and had my cell phone, my keys, and my wallet hanging from my back pocket...they remained mostly dry. I also knew that the raccoon was out running around the same area as I was. The saying "fears grow in darkness" is SO very true. The thought of being out there with a drug addict and a raccoon...and the boogie monster, vampires, and other random scary things with many weapons of mass destruction was not the most wonderful feeling.

Also, its amazing what ex-roommates will admit too. Julie, Daniel and I were going to the bank at like 10pm, right before I was sent to the office...the story told above. On the way home, we were talking about money hiding spots...and when I said one of the spots I hid sister said, Yeah we all knew where you had hid that. I was like...WHAT?! She continued saying she and Rebecca went through most of my stuff. They knew I was storing something in (a thing), so they went through it and thought it was cool to see all the two dollar bills I had hidden in there. She acted like that was normal...she was like, we lived in the same room for like what..our whole lives of course we went through each others stuff. I think I will let a few more years pass before I admit to my parts in things.

Saturday, June 26, 2004


In case you were wondering....

Also, for everyone who was wondering. The average number of quills on a porcupine is over 30,000. Now isn't that so very useful to know?

Pull out the guns....Again

Well, its been a while since I last wrote. Random things have been happening here on the Bamboo Giant...or my house...which ever you prefer to know it as. Tonight is the second time the alarms have gone off in the last three days. Two nights ago, they went brother ran out there so fast that even I was shocked at his speed. My mom ran into the yard...then back into the house...then she walked into the yard again, followed by my dad with the gun. They ran around...I then wandered in my PJs over to our yard and we talked while the "men" went searching. My house over looks a lot of the I could see our whole yard, halfway down our drive way, and the whole parking lot...its really cool. So, yeah, that's how I knew exactly what was going on. Well, my dad left yesterday morning (the morning after the alarms went off) so he is in Colorado at the moment. So, Tonight I watched the first Harry Potter (that movie was so overrated...Hopefully the books are better, although I did enjoy it. Don't let my Grandma know, she thinks its of the devil...) Oh yeah, anyways...So after the movie, I come in to do a post...since it has been a while...And the Alarms go off... I grab my jacket and I am down, knock on my brothers door, and am out side...I make it to our front yard and tell my mom I will go out, and she should not...then I realize I have no flash light or gun... So, I slow down a few steps and let my brother catch up. Then I go and turn the alarms off while he starts looking around. As I am searching in the dark, through the bamboo (which is wonderful at hiding people....Hide and seek games can last like forever) I realize...I DON'T WANT TO FIND ANYTHING...Yes, it would be nice to catch whoever...but most likely he will be able to overpower me...and yeah, it could be messy. I look anyways and wander around the parking lot, in and out of the bays where we store products (they are left open sometimes), by the picnic area, and all around. I picked up an unripe peach that was laying next to one of our fruit trees and throw it into the bushes...Daniel copies me...My mom and sister hear it and freak...Daniel and I go off to check somewhere else... My mom then decides to send me into the public bathrooms to see if anyone could be in there...I push open the door and the automatic lights come on...I look behind the door and GASP... My mom freaks again...I laugh...yeah...its not a good thing to scare a heart patient like that...but nothing bad happened. I check around the other areas...lock up the shop (Daniel forgot...AGAIN...and Jon asked me to do I said I would) I put some of the tools that had been left out away (a few post hole diggers, among other things) and turned off and locked up shop.
I hope I never run into the guy that has been stealing from us. His campsite was found on our property...with all our stuff, and a bunch of our pots, soil, and growing supplies. He was growing a bunch of pot, which the cops took away and left there card there in case he happen to go and look at where his drugs had gone off too. The thought of meeting a middle aged, on drugs man in the middle of the night is not the most comforting thought.
Looks like I am going to be getting a new manager at work...So I must be off to bed so I can make it to work tomorrow. I also have a five page paper to write on the OJ Simson trial...yeah, I like know NOTHING about that...for my stats class. Plus study for a test on Monday. My 2 Californian friends want to get together on Monday...So I don't know...We shall see what life throws at me next.
My brother has told me I can grab the gun if I ever need to. He says that the guy will be more afraid of a girl with a gun than another guy with a gun. My dad taught me how to shoot...I am not the best at it...And I don't know if I can shoot a man. The gun is full of bird shots, so I could not kill him...just hurt him a bit. Let us hope it never comes to that. I wonder how much damage a bow and arrow could do...

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I need to know this...

I need to know: What is the average number of quills on a porcupine?
If you know please tell me, and where you got the info...or who you are. I need it by 5:30 on most people probably wont see this. But if you do and know the answer...TELL ME!

Monday, June 21, 2004

A reminder

Ok, so in one of my previous posts, I was wondering what was wrong with the male gender...and then as a sorta answer to one of the questions, I heard this song today. Inside Out by Nate Sallie. Its about a girl that ruins her dress and so she wont hang out with him because she thinks she looks bad. And he responds he will see her from the inside out...and it does not matter what she looks like. The chorus...You don't have to fix that dress, I like it when your hairs a mess, Its when you always look your best, and I love you. No matter what clothes you wear or how you do your hair, no matter what you try to change I will always feel the same... ...I will always see you from the inside out... And as I thought about that...I realized I was throwing all the guys in the same group...I work mainly with non-Christians...cept Tony...he says he is a Christian. But anyway...I guess that was God's way of saying that there are still some nice guys around that think highly of women and girls. Thanks to all the guys that are respectful and enjoyable to be around, and fun to IM and bug. to finish my Homework, and I want to watch Uptown Girls again before returning it...Well, I was going to...but it seems that someone returned it for me...Oh well, joys of families...I enjoyed it the first time. Oh, yeah, Homework...

New blogger

Yay, I got M to start blogging. Emily, or M as I call her, and I met at LU. While talking about major changes she said this to me:
Rachel: "what did you switch too?"
Emily: "computer information systems"
Rachel: "Oh, "fun"..."
Emily: "jeez, just cause you aren't a computer nerdish person doesn't mean I can't be"

See, I am NOT a nerd after all.

Sunday, June 20, 2004


I played solitaire and Freecell today at work, I also worked, and Bill really annoys me. Luckily I only have to put up with his retardedness for two more months. The topic in the office today turned to religion for a while, and then it turned to about the war in Iraq...they thought we should go in there and kill them all and starve out the rest. Give the women and children a certain amount of time to leave and then just blow the whole place out and economically shut them out. I don't know what I think exactly on that subject...but that is not what I want to happen. Well, they talked about it, giving their opinion and anything that I said, Bill had other things to say. And he had no logic for why he thought what he did. Just that he thought that and it was hard for me to see someone talk about killing off a whole nation of people like that with no thought or problem with it. I told them in that culture the women were like owned by the men and could not just up and leave...they seemed to like the idea of owning women. They then turned the topic to skinning cats and making hats out of them (we had a litter of wild cats and have been working on getting rid of them...there are two left) I am tired of working weekends with just guys. Sometimes they can be SO foul! And if I get told one more time by Collin that its a woman's job to clean up after men, or you can massage my feet now, or get called "woman" or any other degrading remark I may SCREAM. If Tony...even as a joke, hits on me again, I will go insane...HE IS A FREAKING 30 Years OLDER Than why is joking around like that. Any more comments about...Oh, you think I am cute...or I gots to get me a wife...or anything like that....GGGGRRRRR...I mean PLEASE! Collin and Marco also get together and make comments on the different female customers that come. It is so immature...and sometimes makes me mad...I cannot believe someone would look at or talk about girls that way. My MoM said it was a guy thing. I wish they would not do it in front of me then. I also truly hope that is not the only thing a guy thinks when he looks at a girl. I have also had it with the swearing...Do they think it makes them sound intelligent? Cool? or what? I am so ready for my day off tomorrow.

Well, I go out to play basketball and end up in the emergency room for five hours...

Ok, so I get off work. I clean my room. I sorted my CD's. Then my father comes and tells me its time to play basketball...Its what he wanted for father's day. My family had just gotten back from vacation, and the boat was not put away yet. So, we have to push the speed boat and trailer into its spot before we play. Well, my dad, I, and others get on one side and push...and the boat moves so fast that he and I dragging our feet pulling back barely stop it...and it slid slightly too far. So, we are trying to pull it back...Its not moving. I then walk around to the stern (back) of the boat and does not move I push even harder...SUDDENLY, my sister screams! Well, she was told to get out of the way and we finally got the boat into place. Well, after that we looked around for my little sis, Raquel or Anna or Anna Banana or Rock (she goes by all), and we cannot find her, and then Julie comes running out yelling "dad, come quick, its Raquel!!!" So, we all go running. To my suprize I see her toe. It was so gross. The nail had completely come off and was hanging by a flap of skin...blood was everywhere. Dad carries her to the car, and MoM and I jump in. We head to the emergency mom turns left on a red arrow...then stops at the stop sign...she justified it, saying she stopped at the red light too. Well, we get in and the parking lot and I carry her in and set her in the chair, and the nurse looks at her and decides emergency over urgent care...I run and park the car...and then we sit in the waiting room. A really cute little girl comes up to my sister and on seeing her foot, offers her a piece of gum...and talked to her some. That was really great cuz Rock was in a ton of pain. Well, two and a half hours later my MoM sends me to pick up some taco Bell, and the movie we had been watching ended...and we were quite hungry and bored. So, I go get food. Then I get back and they are gone. So I ask the nurse if I can go back...she said she would check and called and said my MoM would come get me if I was allowed. So, I sit and wait some more...watched some of The Great Outdoors...I had seen it was just as bad as I remembered. I then ate a taco and my tostada...then I waited some more...then my MoM sticks her head out to see if I am there...which I was...and she takes me to Rocks room...#7. I give them there food and we start eating...and the nurse came in and he said we were not allowed to eat...and he asked and Rock was but we were not. I told Miss Anna Banana what I thought of that...and she was quite happy about it. (then my MoM reprimanded me cuz I stole a bit of it from her) It was a wonderful nacho bell grande... So, we got in there at six, and the doctor finally made it in to work on it at nine or so. He gives her stiches, one on each side of the nail (it had skin attached on all sides so he was able to do that) We talked some during that, and tried to calm Rock down when he was giving her the shot in the toe...that did not go well, the needle was about two inches, the syringe was about five inches, and one inch in diameter. I held her leg down for that. I found out that the doctor had taken sewing in college...he made a Hawaiian shirt. It eventually wore out. Ok, so now that her toe is sewn up she needed x-rays...she did not want to go I got to join her. The guy looks at me and says..."ok, are you pregnant?" I tell him, "no, of course not" He then said "well, not to pry or anything, ya see...I just have to ask, cuz if you were you would not be going in there." I of course knew this, having had my fair share of x-rays in my life. (Although I just found out what the small blanket they put over you is for...and they only put it on women.) So, I went with her, and stood behind a pillar in the room. Then Rock asked about the pictures so I asked if she could be allowed to see them, and she was. He said he was not a doctor but it did not look broken. He was also interested in the weather at Lake San Antonio (when he found out that's where my family went on vacation.) He was shocked like every one else when he heard it was so foggy that it was too cold to swim the last day. The lake is known for being VERY hot...we at least for Californians from my area. After that I ask another nurse about the eating policy and she said that what the other nurse said was bull and we should eat. My MoM being a diabetic...she needed too...and I made sure she did. The code to get into the area where they keep supplies is 1245...I saw enough people enter. I got my sister to laugh some...and my MoM thought we were being too loud...but then I got her laughing. They did not chop off her toe as I said they would... I also was describing her toe to her...Its pink with green spots, and yellow spikes sticking out...and to a 8 year old...that is funny...she kept giggling. My mom laughed when I said it now looked like a Californian Raisin...Rock laughed at that and we laughed harder...since she had no idea what a Californian Raisin was. My mom remember them, they were a cartoon like figure, they were purple, wore sunglasses, and had black arms and legs and they had a weird song (and I had a picture of one on my backpack in kindergarten thru first grade). (I have a picture of them on my computer and don't know how to put it here but you can also look them up online...they are on eBay as well as other places) Anna Raquel also decided she did NOT like the one nurse guy. He at the beginning took off her shirt and put her in the cute hospital clothes...and she did NOT LIKE THAT... So, my wonderful MoM said when she leaves she can stick her tongue out at him, so the very next time he enters the room and turns his back, she sticks out her tongue...and every time he entered we all tried to not laugh... Well, we got out of there and into the car by 11:03. Rock thought the clock was off. Then cuz dairy queen was closed we brought her home and gave her cake and ice cream (Dads bryers mint chocolate chip and Lazy Dazy cake.) Which we found out is what the others ate for dinner since MoM and I were not home. So, I then leave after we discussed it...getting told I am too loud (what's new?) and then I wrote this instead of going to sleep like I should have. I have a test in 18 hours.

More Randomness!

Other news...My mom ordered me a cell phone...we shall see how that works.
My dad announced that we could make a request if we wanted him to do something with us before he takes off for a month and a half or so. He is going a few days somewhere in the US, then a month in China, Japan, Tibet...then a few days in Florida. I did not catch everywhere he said he was going.
Its Daniels turn to go with him, so Daniel will be gone that month too, and he will be the first to go to Tibet...So not fair.
Chip Ingram, now president of Walk Thru the Bible, who used to be our teaching pastor, came to teach again. He is a AMAZING teacher. But it seems that some people follow Chip instead of following God...maybe more on that later.
The Cabrillo college parking passes are yellow, bus passes are orange, and semester color is pink.
I am over my cold.
I have lost six pounds in the last week.
I got new anti pop-up ad software, which I am about to install. If not, the girl my dad pays to work on the computers of the property will come out and look at it again.
If I slam my hand into anything else, it may cease to work. Already from slamming it into the cabinet, when I rub the back of my hand all my fingers tingle. The normal arm going numb stuff still happens. Its hard writing so much. I am very right handed.
Have not picked up the violin in a while.
My painting is still at the stuck point.
Rebecca called me a nerd...said i was being loud and annoying. I told her nerds were quiet and hid themselves in their rooms. She asked what you call people like me...I said freak...any better names?
Roger also decided i was the one to go with him outside when he was afraid..."cuz any robber we meet you could get and then he would reget having ever come what you normally do" Yeah, that comment had me worried...What i normally do? Well, i guess you all better beware. Here comes Normal Rachel! The commment, i think, he was refering to me tickling them, and picking them up and running around after them screaming, and sword fighting with sheeths. Or maybe the way i grab their ear when they are getting hauled off to MoM...for the like billionth time.
I must REALLY go to bed this time.
Chao todo el gente en el mundo.
If you are wandering about any of what I say...just ask me. I am used to being hard to understand.
oh, and cannot convince any of my other friends or Julie to blog...Although Saraita seems to be keeping it up.
Oh, and most little brothers turned my target into a "fort" I have to re-stack all those hay bales...and Rebecca stole one for the dumb sheep.
and...homework is not done for Monday yet.

Music...Barlow Girl

Oh, and Average Girl by Barlow Girl is an awesome song...I really like the Barlow Girl CD's. Julie got me to listen to them. She Walked Away is another song...It almost makes me want to cry...and I want to help the girl in the song so bad. Never Alone is Julies favorite song.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

"It was THAT big"

My sister and I can be such chickens. We hear noises out the front door. So I open it...and look out. Nothing... Then I step out... Nothing... Then I say "MoM, there's nothing ou..." When suddenly behind the trash can the ground cover bamboo (Humilis, 5' tall) flattens something huge pushes through it. So, I back into the house...and I slam the door. (sorta...there is a huge stain glass window on the door, so if it was slammed, like a REAL slam, it would break out...right now tape seems to be holding it together.) So, my MoM inquires about my sighting... Well, I so over exaterated it...making huge hand motions to show how humongo this thing was, and how it flattened the bamboo!!! Well, I was in the from this horrible monster looming outside...but it was bed time...and my room was out across the never-ending parking lot in the apartment. My sister lived next door (my old room) so she too needed to leave the safety of the main house and travel through the "jungle" to her bed. So, we try to look through the stain glass (and if you have ever done see weird shapes, different colors, and blurriness...nothing to warn you of the danger that awaits you) I, being the brave one, opened the door, and pushed my sister out first. She the bushes moved and made noise. We rapidly re-entered the house. Once again re-closing the door with slight force. We were told to go to bed a while ago...and the punishment for staying up getting woken up dad claimed it would be a little before six we knew we needed to high-tail it out of there. This time, we open the door, and out from the bushes pops...A FACE!!! A small, masked face. Its dark eyes looking straight at us. My sister and I stand our ground... And the face disappears from view. This is the visitor that has come around a few had finally shown its face. So, my sister and I part ways at the door, she walks by the house while I have to walk streight out by the place where the face had just been. My sister watches me though the darkness to see if I make it safely...I make it though the yard and in to the parking lot. Then I yell, made it, and quickly walk towards my room...checking to make sure I was not being followed. Trying to get the images out of my head of my MoM being attacked by one, she kept it off with a broom, which was completely destroyed in the confrontation. They are known to pick up rabies...and carry them. Would I make it to the safety of my room? I get through the door, through the living room, and up my stairs, and into my room...Safely. That old coon (raccoon) lost again as all its victims made it safely to their rooms.

Te extrano!!!

I miss Colombia! And school. And the other places I have been where I had a good time. The forest in Germany. England! El Salvador...y los pupusas...and Spain. I miss Asia...cept for the food...I don't miss the food from Asia. Korea...I had a great time there. I had a blast in most of the countries I visited...And adventures too. Oh the fun. Morocco...Croatia...Well, I guess everywhere.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Randomness about me

I just stole this from Sarah's Blog and I am doing it for about the same reasons as she did.

Name: Rachel
Birthday: Jan. 18, 1984
Shoe size: 10
Height: 5'8 (its what I say everywhere...I could be a little shorter)
Weight: More than Andrew, less than David. (that is between 50lbs and 250lbs...)
Eye color: brown
Hair color:brown, that some people have the nerve to call dirty blond...ITS NOT!
Hair length: Too short for my liking.
Grade: 3rd semester sophomore
Nicknames: Random, sisso, bookworm, and Rach (don't you dare call me them.)
What Languages do you speak?: English and Spanish and like four words of three others. and whinese
Are you a morning or night person?: Totally night person
Are you ticklish?: sometimes...I kinda out grew it.
Do you have braces?: I did...twice
Do you have glasses/contacts?: Was given glasses in the third grade...forced to wear them some...then the Dr. claimed I outgrew them. They were purple. *wonders how that happened*
What do you want to be? Social worker, or teacher, or foster/adoptive mom, anything with kids.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: No
What are you most scared of?: growing up
If you had an extra set of eyes, where would you put them?: the person who thought up that question must have been really tired.
What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: That would mean one has to think.

Favorite -

Movies?: Everafter, Anne of green gables...I can enjoy almost any movie.
Song?: It depends on my mood.
Band/group?: as depends on how I am feeling, although, anything christian
Store?: book stores...graceland (a christian book/music store here)
Vacation spot?: Anywhere
Fruit?: strawberries, mango, and kiwi
Class?: Spanish class with Senor Morales
Holiday?: Thanksgiving
Color?: blue and Orange
Magazine?: Brio
Name for a girl?: Well, my name is perfect...but its I would, Jennifer
Name for a boy?: I have always liked David, and Jonathan...but those are my brothers
TV show?: don't watch tv.
Meat?: Chicken, duck, turkey, lamb...No beef, yuck
Pizza topping?: sausage and mushrooms
Book?: I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens.
animal: Chicken

Have You Ever -

Done drugs?: no
Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: um...maybe
Been dumped?: no
Had someone been unfaithful to you?: no
Watched Punky Brewster?: Huh?
Hiked a mountain?: Yes, many times...
Been in love?: riiiight...if there were such a thing
Seen the White House?: no
Seen the Eiffel Tower?: Yeah, been up it too
Tried smoking?: no, if I did, it would most likely kill me.
Drank alcohol?: well, was gross
Smoked marijuana?: no
Played Monopoly?: yes...although not very many were ended
Seen Titanic?: yes
Kissed someone?: EWWWWW NO, NEVER
French kissed someone?: uggg...dont make me sick
Tried a weight loss program?: nope...unless going to Colombia counts
Jumped on a trampoline?: yes...we have one
Visited another country?: yeah, too many to count sometimes
Had a bubble bath?: when I was REALLY little
Been on a plane?: yeah, even if I hate them
Been on a boat?: yeah, stuck on one for a month and a half off the coast of Mexico
Been on a train?: Yes, from France to Portugal
Been in a car accident?: Yeah
Made a web page?: yes for Comp I and II
Played with barbies?: definitely....what girl didn't
Stayed up all night?: Once! Well, naw...more like five times. All after I got to college.
Broken a bone?: only a few...Knee, toes...
Called a psychic or sex hotline?: didn't know they existed
Watched Jerry Springer?: I think I heard his name said once before...But never have seen it.
Gotten in trouble for talking in class?: um...Yeah
Been afraid of the dark?: sometimes
Had stitches?: No, thank heavens...oops...I did, when I got my wisdom teeth out.
Dumped someone and regretted it?: no
Lied?: no, never (who hasn't?)
Been arrested?: no
Fallen asleep in class?: yeah
Met a celebrity?: who would want to?
Broken the law?: cept for speeding...not that I know of
Wanted to kill someone?: Do brothers count?

Do You -

Like to walk in the rain?: yeah
Prefer black or blue pens?: black, (my office manager makes us use blue...I hate that!)
Dress up on Halloween?: when I was little...last one I remember I was an angel on cruches, then I go dressed as a babysitter (if you have to walk your little siblings around...why not get free candy?)
Have a job?: I have been employed in different places since I was 9. Yes I have one
Like to travel?: yeah, sorta...I mainly like the other places...not getting there.
Like someone?: yeah, I think I have some friends...maybe
Sleep on your side, tummy, or back?: side
Want to marry?: yes, well, if I ever find a guy "worthy of me" as my dad puts it.
Have a goldfish?: no, I helped take care of my sisters...they died...and the other fish I got I gave away before I killed it.
Ever have the falling dream?: The what?
Have stuffed animals?: yeah, used to have tons...then my mom loaded them in four huge boxes and gave them to goodwill...I cried for a week or so. I have collected more...

Other -

Who is your bestfriend?: Best? well, um, Childhood friend, Lydia. School Friend, Sarah. Colombia Friend, Carolina. El Salvadorian friend, Maru. CA friend, Jen. and then there are others I count as me to whom is "best"
Would you take a bullet for him/her?: yes, for any of them...I hate seeing others in pain
Do you like your handwriting?: when I can read it yes.
Do you have any piercings?: my ears
Any tattoos?: no, my mom would not even allow the fake ones.
What tattoo would you want?: I don't think I want one
Where?: somewhere where no one would see it.
What is the one place you have to visit before you die?: like I could stop myself from dying to visit anywhere?
What did you do today?: Worked 9-5, went to a study group, cleaned out my mom's frige, read blogs, and did countless other things.
What time is it?: 1:15am...darn, I work in less than 8 hours and 45 minutes
Where do you work?: Bamboo giant
Do you own a mini skirt?: no, and I wouldn't be caught dead in one
Do you floss?: yeah
Where is the farthest you have traveled?: probably Hong Kong..or china or Korea, or Japan...or one of those places...
Do you swear a lot?: naw...only slipped like five times in my life...although I am around swearing A LOT...
Got milk?: don't like the stuff much
Do you like little kids?: I love hanging out with kids.

This or That -

Pierced nose or tongue?: neither
Be serious or funny?: depends on the time...after 2am...funny
Single or taken?: single
Simple or complicated?: complicated...or told I was by those dumb enough to try to figure me out
Law or anarchy?: who cares
MTV or vh1?: neither
7th Heaven or Dawson’s Creek?: don't know either
Sugar or salt?: sugar
Silver or gold?: Silver
Tongue or belly?: huh?
Chocolate or flowers?: chocolate
Color or black and white photos?: color
Sunrise or sunset?: sunset
M&M's or Skittles?: peanutbutter M&M's...although I like skittles a lot too
Rap or rock?: rock
Stay up late or sleep in?: both
Tall members of the opposite sex or short?: tall
Sun or moon?: moon
Diamond or ruby?: Diamond
Left or right?: right.
10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? best friend
Vanilla or chocolate?: Vanilla
Kids or not?: kids
Cat or dog?: cat
Half empty or half full?: half full
Mustard or ketchup?: ketchup...mustard is so gross
Sneakers or sandals?: Sneakers
McDonalds or Burger King?: both...McDonalds when traveling, BK at home.
Mexican or Italian?: Mexican
Lights on or off?: on
Duct tape or scotch tape?: both...tape is just that cool
Candy or soda?: neither...or both
A house in the woods or the city?: woods
Pepsi or Coke?: coke
Adidas or Nike?: Are those shoes?

Love Life -

If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be?: no one
What is the biggest turn on?: staying away from me
Where is the best place to be kissed?: ok, so what's up with this kissing junk?
Do you have a b/f or g/f?: No, thank heavens
Do you want one?: eventually
When was your first kiss?: never been kissed (and is happy about it)

Past -

First grade teachers name?: I remember kindergarten and second and third...not will probably come to me later.
Last word you said?: Do I ever shut up?
Last song you sang?: something from Stacy Orico
Last time you bled?: When I caught a stray kitten on our property to give it away...
Favorite show as a child?: cartoons!
Present?: present what?
What's in your CD player?: Barlow girl
Color socks you are wearing?: White

Future -

Are you going to college?: yeah
Do you have to pay bills?: maybe...I pay for college, my parents cover car and living costs.
Do you want to pay bills?: No
Do you do your own laundry?: yeah, and normally everyone else's in the house as well.
Do you clean all the bathrooms in your house?: no, that's what Julie is here for
How many TV’s are in your house?: um...Well, my dad does High end audio...So we don't have any...just a big screen TV...which I don't like...I would rather have a small one. (Migranes from it being that big) (in apartment 1)
How many phones are in your house?: there are four I think...(in apartment none)
How many beds are in your house?: 8, and in my apartment 4
How many couches are in your house?: 3 and in apartment 1
What are you thinking right now?: I should be sleeping and like no one will read this all the way through so its a complete waste of my time because no one really cares anyways...
What is your favorite store in the mall nearest you?: I have not been to the mall closest to me since I worked there.
Would you ever like someone 3 years younger than you?: normally.

If there are typos...its cuz of the time of night...i so should have been sleeping.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Blogs can be seriously bad...they take up so much free time to read them...and write them, and they are so fun. Three hours....that I should have been doing homework, were spent reading blogs. Now, that's just sad. Luckily I don't have class tomorrow...just a study group. I am going to Watsonville (Mexico away from Mexico) and studying with two people that switch into Spanish when adding up numbers, they try to stay in English for the most part. It does not matter, since I can understand them, once in class our table switched to Spanish, with random English words thrown in. Our teacher also switched to Spanish once, and he taught stats in a Spanish speaking high school. I don't know how I ever got by before not knowing Spanish. It was hard, one teacher I had, if you did not understand she would repeat it throwing in some Spanish, and expected you to get that. In a class of thirty there were four non-Spanish speakers, I was one of them. In this class only about half speak Spanish. Should be fun. Test on Monday...he said it takes a "average" person an hour and a half to finish it. Am I in the 50%tile? Must tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I am sooo tired...and I am already behind in homework. So, I am going to do that now. least pretend to do that now.
Well, my second class went well. I shared a calculator with the girl next to me. Her name is Rebecca, she is cool. When talking, she found out where I worked...and ended up knowing my cousins, shana, the dude who worked for, and others. She goes to vintage faith, a church inside my church. This world is way too small sometimes. I gave math 10 more hours of my time by buying a new calculator. I now have at my command a voyager 200, TI-89, and the one requested for this class the TI-83. Anyways, I got tons of homework, work, and class I am off to bed before I die or things get worse...whichever comes first.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I talk to much.
Well, Just got done feeding the animals...The kitten went with me to feed the other ones... I left it in its room when feeding the lizard. And I thought tofu looked bad last night...its even worse when its been out all night under a heat lamp... So, I feed Lizzy and she does not seem to care for her dinner being late and her breakfast being late...but oh well. Then I grab the kitten and we head next door to feed the other cat, BeBe. BeBe hates my cat and does not tend to get along with other animals. So, I go in and open a can of cat food and put that by her dish. She likes that. Then because she was out all night I did not need to clean the litter box. Well, my sister forgot to tell me about Pete and Repeat (Repeats real name is bluebell, but I never call her that.) I knew she had them, but it had slipped my mind. So I pour some food in their dish, give them a treat...I forgot to check their water...oops...I will have to go do that. They are two little birds...I don't remember their name off the top of my head. So, the whole time I am feeding these animals the kitten is in one hand looking at them with such a shocked look on her face. *kitten races across room and jumps up and attaches itself to Rachels back because she is ignoring it and typing this instead* *ouch!* *it also gets up in her lap and tries to remove her hair...thinks its a toy or something* *kitten tries again...Rachel gets it before it lands* *now its walking around the key board and attacking the printer* *Rachel checks on said seven minutes...well, it was still frozen...Its one of those Hungry-man meals...I think I may go and try to use the oven/stove thing so I don't starve...microwaveable meals are not the best thing on the planet...* anyways, the kitten was staring at the birds...the other cat ignored us and ate...and yeah, the kitten was a still as a doornail. Us girls have had a dog, 2 cat, 3 rats, and two birds living in one room for a while. One cat was an outdoor cat. The dog roamed the whole house. We gave one rat to my brother, then the other rat to my other brother. And the other cat would sit for hours staring at the birds and rat. Then I gave my rat to a missionary kid, her name was Queen Jesibell...and the kid named her bob or George or something. I told him it was a girl and he said he would rather it be a boy. I gave up and Bob lived happily for a while. The we each moved out to other rooms and places. I went next door, and Raquel moved in with them, then I went to Colombia and Julie moved out to my old room. (there were a few other moves in between but that's a good summary...Jonathan got my old room for a while before Julie...Till he went to school and I was stuck in the little boys room for two months with the little boys...ewww) is done...must study more.

Random fact. The girl at the Zoo said that the Pink Flamingo's leg is not backwards... What we see as their knee is really their ankle. They are standing on their toes. Where we think is there thigh is really their knee, and their thighs are about --------------- that big and cannot be seen because of their feathers. Their center of balance also has the ability to shift, making them just as stable on one leg as two. She had never heard of them falling over or of anyone trying Flamingo tipping. They lift their legs to warm them. They eat Flamingo chow, similar to dog food. And the mothers turn white because they are giving up some of the vitamins that make them pink for their kids. The babies are grey...and turn white when they get older and pink when they start eating the shrimp and stuff.
*is studying elementary statistics*

Monday, June 14, 2004


*Rachel returns from school* *Rachel wishes to cry* *Rachel is alone* *Rachel does not like walking around in dark areas or dark parking lots late at night with weird freaks wandering around* *Rachel still hates math* *Rachel is tired* *Rachel needs friends* *Rachel is a weird freak*
So, I write my previous blog post. I then grab a snack, and pack my books. I head down to my car...and look in it for the keys. Well, they are not there. So, I run to the is locked...I race back to my brothers room and he gives me the key to the house. I enter the house. The key is not by the door where we leave it...the only key is the one to the Honda which my siblings are going to take to the lake. I walk on the freshly varnished floors and check the kitchen for the keys. They are not there...I briskly walk back to my brothers room and yell for my sister to get me the keys to the van. They are in her purse in her room. So I grab my junk out of the car and throw it in the van. I trade the keys to the Honda that I found for the keys to the white van. I jump in the van...Later than I wanted and drive to my school. Well, I turned up the wrong road at first so being late...I did a u-turn on a two lane road in a 15 passenger van. Yeah...Well, it was freaky. So then I get up to the parking lot...expecting it to be full as normal. It was almost empty...I parked and walked straight down and to the class room. I was in room 713. I enter the room and there are tables...not desks (the other buildings on that campus sometimes have desks.) There are about 8 people in the room. Most looked older than or two my age. I get there 4 minutes before it starts...which is at 6pm. There are chalk boards across the front, and a table facing the rest. There are about five rows of tables facing the front. The other walls are bare with only one or two items...which I cannot remember what they look like. The teacher walked in...a minute after six...and he is carrying some spandex clothing. He lays the cloths over the bike in the front of the room...I hadn't noticed it there (it was blue and orange) and he walks about...picks up some bike gloves and puts them with the bike as well. While waiting...people are starting to fill up the room. Most of the girls are in tank tops, except me of course. One guy walks in and he has a hot pink stripe of hair and the girl with him...had her hair cut very short.
well, class begins...he gives us a syllabus. It covers one side of a sheet. He goes over it...adds some things as he goes along...and says we will have a quiz every day. We will also be covering about two chapters a day.
So, he starts teaching...and he lectured for two straight hours...
We covered all sorts of things...mainly the median, mean, and mode and frequency. Well, I wrote about five pages of notes, both sides, and thought my hand was about to fall off.
The other issue is that this teacher likes the TI-83. Well, I have a TI-89 and a Voyager 200. Well, the way he shows us stuff on the calculator...I need to have the same one as him. He says push the stats button, then select edit, then select this and that and yada yada yada... So, before tomorrow he wants everyone to have the TI-83. Well, after that annoyance...
He gets ready to assign homework...he sits a second...Then he announces that he has decided the the new way he was going to do it wont work...and he is changing the syllabus back to the way it was. We will not have any quizzes...We will have a test every Monday. He will re-write the syllabus and give us a new copy tomorrow.
So, I am tired and I walk out of the class room...and I forgot my jacket at home. By the time I get to the car I am shaking from cold. It is about 50 degrees or lower out. While at the Zoo I walked around in two sweatshirts. So, its cold, and I love yeah, I am tired, cold, and depressed. So, I get in the van and turn the heat on. Drive down the street to the Safeway. Then I go to get tofu for my brothers iguana. Well, I find the tofu, and have a choice from DIFFERENT TYPES. I mean come on, its tofu. How many types do you really need. I dislike the stuff, and so I had no idea of which to get...I was told to get it extra firm. it all looked gross to me. While walking to and from my car...the parking lot is not the best lit thing...there is a guy just wandering around out there...he starts towards me...I pretend he is not there and walk toward the entrance...the one I headed toward was blocked for this random freak stares at me until I enter the store. I was having a bad day and he did not make it better. After arriving home, I notice that there is an extra car inside our like great...there is unwanted company roaming around here. I walk in...feed the kitten, and then the lizard...I cut up the tofu...and then stick my hand with it in the cage like Daniel said to. Lizzy (the name of the iguana) runs over and stops close...Daniel said it likes to be hand fed so I pick up a piece and hold it over to her. She licks my finger...and then grabs the food. Then I gave her another piece, and she grabbed that...Meanwhile the kitten is howling for attention. So I pull it out and walk next door to feed BeBe (Julies cat) well, its really dark there. and I could not find the light switch right away, so do to that being a raccoons hangout, I left bebe...I will feed her tomorrow and went to say goodnight to my Aunt El. Did that, put the kitten back in its cage, turned the light off in Lizzy's cage, walked back over the freshly applied varnish, and turned off the lights and locked the front door. Walked across the parking lot, and closed and locked and dead bolted the door. I heard Jim and his bum friends moving around next door...I don't like being around them in the day...I don't want to even imagine it at night. Then at 10 o'clock or so, I come upstairs, make myself dinner...I had Sourdough bread and spinach dip...YUM! Then I am writing this I am so tired I am going to fall out of my I am going to bed...Tomorrow is my day off, so I am going to do Homework, he randomly assigned a lot. I still want to cry, I am still by myself. I miss my friends... Being alone some is cool...I don't see how some people love it thought...I find it freaky at night. Its so weird to not have roommates... Well, I am going to go hide in my bed now... I really don't think I am going to do well in that is a ton of information in a little time.

Yo estoy solo!!!

I'm all alone...There's no one la la (from the movie shrek). Well, My Dad, MoM, Grandmom, and five siblings left to go to the lake. David went home to La Honda. Jon, Rebecca, and Julie are heading down to the lake at six. Jon and Julie were working and Rebecca is at swimming. My Aunt El (not related, although I wish she were) is going to be here. Random guys are going to be here...Although I wish they were not. But I am the last of the Gullmans on the property...all because of a dumb statistics class...which I am heading off to at 5:30. I shall write about that at a later after it happens... Got my books and parking pass and bus pass and ID card this morning. The lines were not too bad. My little brothers were so badly behaved I was embarrassed by them and wanted to lock them up and throw away the key!!! Anyways...must eat and get to my first day of class. Oh, and I am in charge of the animals...The cats I can handle...I am just not so sure about the lizard...I have to go buy it tofu today...Its an iguana...I am alright around it...I just seem to have a problem with snakes...Luckily so does my MoM and she wont let my bothers have them.

Inside joke...between Sarah, Lydia, and I...We should be allowed those since we are going to be suite mates after all...

(end of inside joke)
*goes to bed...Laughing* I tell you EVERYTHING is funnier at night.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

This freaky weekend...

Ok, so I got a ton to write...but I have been up since 6am and its almost midnight, I got to get up early tomorrow so I will write about the long freaky day today tomorrow.
6/12/04: Got up, painted till I was almost late to work, showered, went to work at 10, worked till two with Collin and Marco, met one of their families and the others girlfriend. They are graduating on the 13th, both Marco and Collin, they were friends since highschool I think. Then at two, ran in, grabbed a bite to eat, threw some clothes, tooth brush and other random junk in a backpack. Got in the car and went to meet this guy at three. I was to follow him to the ZOO (since I have the tendicy to get lost very easily). Well, he was to leave at three. My mom made us leave at two fifteen to meet him...Yeah, it may take HER that long...I got there by two twenty-threeish...Then the other person was like an hour late...So we sat and waited and waited...(sometimes Californians are as bad as latinos) at like 3:20ish he shows up. And then there is some debate over the cars and such...but we finally get underway. Where I learn that the guy I am following DOES NOT USE BLINKERS...I mean, come on, they were put there for a person to use...surely it could not be that difficult to let me know when he was turning...well for him it was... ANYWAYS...we took, Hwy 1 to hwy 17, 17 to 85, 85 to 280, 280 merges with hwy 1 and they turn to 19th when you get into San Francisco. 19th and a roundabout way to sloat Ave (there is no left turn so its hard to get to the zoo cuz you have to take a right and loop back around) then sloat to some other road that the zoo is on. and we Finally made it. We beat another lady that went before us cuz she hoped to find her own way...she ended up at the golden gate bridge... We were spending the night in the San Francisco Zoo. It started out as a Boy Scout thing (figures, if you know my history with the Boy Scouts) but then since not enough boys signed up they opened it to the 4H club, which my siblings are a part of, so I went as...get ADULT. Yeah, I thought it was funny too. One girl thought I was maybe 16... So we set up camp, and take a tour 6-9ish and the head to "bed" My sisters and my tent got called the talking and laughing me why.

6/13/04: Got woken up at 6ish, out of tent at 6:30 and off to breakfast at 7. It was bagels and strawberry cream cheese, and pastries, and hot chocolate. Then we went on another tour from 7:30ish to 9:30ish. Packed up our tents, I got a T-shirt and smashed pennies, then we headed out on the road at 10:20 something. I only got cut off a few times...(MOMS STOP READING NOW) and got tailgated going a 65mph zone...some people...(MOMS CAN START READING AGAIN) and then on 17 (I HATE HATE HATE THAT ROAD!!!) we hit some traffic...but still made it home faster than it took to get there. :-D Got home in time to get to work.
Took a lunch break at 2 something (had not eaten anything real since the night before yesterday, just had some snack foods and chips, and bagels) and of course the REALLY ANNOYING Bill calls me off it, I got like 7 minutes...enough to eat some. To help people...his excuse irritated me. "Every customer I see I think Bonus bonus bonus...10 dollars an hour is not enough to live on in Santa Cruz. So, the more people we get the better the bonus" (I inserted the word 'maybe') yeah, and so I guess he could not handle it out there alone...I have done it a lot...but that's me compared to him I guess...some people amaze me...I went out and helped three people by the time he got done with his one. He was so impressed with himself...he sold a thousand dollars worth of fencing...yay! (Rachel is tired and being sarcastic) Well, we normally sell a lot, and yes, it is good he finally got a big one. but the 10,000 dollar sales normally get a yay...not the smaller ones. I am glad that he is working because I don't want to be out there...but sometimes...Oh, don't listen to me...I am just tired. I was happy on my first big sale. (just because I did it at 15 years old and he did it at 30 something does not make a difference) I sometimes wish that we could get someone really good out there that can sell well (without lying, bribing, giving product away, or needing tons of encouragement to try)...I guess I am too hard on them sometimes...Luckily I take it out on this blog and not on them. I am anything but the best sales person. I have a ton to learn...and I am, but even some of the other office people wonder about some of the guys that try to work there...they have...well, um....Issues...Many issues. My Bro's and sis's and I have learned how not to act from looking at them) Mainly its just cuz I was in a bad mood and tired from driving an hour and not eating in a while. While helping people my stomach rumbled...I could not stop it...and he looks at me and said that he did not think I was going to get a lunch cuz I came in later...and he did not want me to go. I WAS HUNGRY!!! Yeah, sorry, but that ticked me off... He will probably tell my boss, who will give me a talking to...but that seems to be the way he communicates...Telling the boss on everyone and letter her deal with us. I am not too worried...but pride cometh before a fall.

Speaking of which, Lioness hunt for food...Why...cuz they can!!! The males cannot pounce! The males heads are too big. They cannot move like the females. They can fight off other lions and protect the pride but cannot pounce or jump on ledges and stuff. I found that really interesting and funny. Males with big heads....hum...

Anyway, I start school tomorrow...I don't like math, and so I am nervous. But we shall see what happens...My class is 6-9:30pm

Other random news later...and maybe more random animal facts...
and I guess I did not give a great summary...It was good to get that junk out of my system. I will probably regret saying all this be prepared for an apology...Later...

Friday, June 11, 2004

I guess i am a bird...

So far i have always been a phoenix when i take these sorts of quizes. oh well.

Phoenixes are litterally birds of fire. They are
brave and majestic and have the ability to be
reborn from their own ashes. You are strog
willed an confident- a true leader. Although
you can get down in the dumps occasionaly you
are never there for long. Many people flock
around you and like you as a friend.

What Mythological Creature Are You (Many Results and Beautiful Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla


I shocked the guys at work today. They were discussing their upcoming weekend, talking about which parties had kegs or not, and how they were going to get wasted. (one guy said Fresno had the best parties, and it was way worth the drive) I said that sounded like a complete waste of a weekend, and that hangovers sounded terrible (I have only heard from my friends, never experienced one) and wondered why they would want to get "wasted". One of the guys at work was not at his best because it was his 22nd birthday and he had been out partying the night before, and showed up an hour and forty minutes late to work. He was kind of out of it, but not too bad. Anyways, they gave me a funny look, and told me I could avoid hangovers by drinking lots of water with the beer. (like the hangover part was the thing I thought was a waste of time) I told them I had eight more months before I would worry about getting drunk, and probably never use their advice because I did not plan on going out drinking any time soon. Being underage here does not seem to matter when talking about getting drunk to some people. So many underage people drink. So, one guy asked me how many times I had gotten drunk. I said never, and had only had a glass of champane while in Germany, nothing more in my life. That news shocked them. The one guy's way of thinking was that we can only have so much fun in life and drugs and alcohol get you more fun, faster. The other guy talked about going partying every night, and working every day. And going to church in the evening so you could sleep off the night before and go to the next night out after church. The first guy said, oh your some Christian...getting drunk after church. The second said he was catholic, not Christian. (that put a little strain in the room) Then the first guy said, so Catholics get to party?...*and the conversation continued* I find it all very strange. I had a friend once who was a Catholic but did not approve of all the partying, so she asked to go to church with me to see if there was something more than what she had grown up on, later she became a Christian. Her family did not like that fact but allowed her to. It is interesting to see different people's views on life, religion, and drinking, but I wonder where they got those views from. How can the one guy see it as right to get totally drunk every night and then go to church (which he thought was timed so people could party at night and still attend church)? How can a person go through life thinking that the only reason he is there is to have fun? How come it is now a rarity to meet a person that has not gotten drunk? How can some people find something wrong but then others find that same thing right? I find life hard enough to go through knowing that God has a plan for my life, how could someone go through life, and not believe that there is a reason to get up each day, and just believe that we are just here by chance? I wonder...
Oh, I have way to many hobbies. There is never time to do them all! So, this week, I have picked up the oil painting. This is the first painting I have done without doing it with the rest of the family. My dad says I have a much different style than he dose. I use lots of really bright colors, and so far it looks good. I have done a sunset over the ocean. Next I am going to work on mountains and cliffs, then a river, and lastly trees.
The Chinese painting, archery, beading, reading, sewing, watching movies, playing the violin, computer games, Femo, and drawing are going to have to wait, but they are all on my list of things I want to do this summer. My sister said she would teach me book making, but we have to get supplies first.
Since I had to go to the piano recital, I started a new book. It is called THR3E by Ted Dekker. I am also in the middle of two other books and have a third I pick up and put down. I can do that because I have read that book at least four times, and love it enough to read it again. Its called The Buccaneers by Linda Chaikin, its a three book series. Yeah, and yesterday I walked into my little brothers room and found out that my parents had moved my four shelves full of books into their room. They are not allowed to touch them, thank heavens...its not like it will do them any littlest brothers have yet to learn to read. Julie stole the title of book worm from me...but I may get it back. Since I have never really had any friends before I went to school, my books were my friends. That is very sad, but its true. I love my books. So, being back home and still not having any friends here, I am hanging out with my books once again. I am also the only person I know that has read books from the middle to the end and then the beginning to the middle (or end again if it is a good book).

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Happy Birthday Luis Gabriel ¡Feliz cumpleaños! ¡Te extraño amigo! Yo espero que todo su día sea muy chévere. Chao
What is a summer supposed to be for anyways?

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Oh, and Daniel (my 14 year old brother) broke his little finger. He was drilling holes in a pot and the drill swung around and whacked his hand. Now he does not have to play in the piano recital tomorrow evening. Raquel is playing Ode to joy. The same song I play repeatily, since it is like the only one I memorized.

Its another day...

I am tired...but here is my day.
Went to work...everyone was having a bad day. People were yelling...and things were not getting done due to problems...and is straining to be in that kind of environment. Bill, a new sales person, made his first mistake...and that would not have been bad, and I would not have minded, if he had not been fouler than a sailor over it. I seriously do not understand why people surly doesn't make them sound more intelligent. Well, I told him swearing was one thing I do not enjoy having to put up with, and he said sorry, he normally doesn't. Riiiiight, I guess he doesn't when he isn't doing it. yeah, anyways, then he like went silent for the rest of the day, and kept leaving the office for long periods of time. I think he is off tomorrow so that will be alright. Our managers are still it is still hard, but they are able to work some.
After all that...I got the joy of working on getting my school loan...hopefully I got it...we are mailing in the paperwork.
Then I got to go and pick up Chinese food. I asked if anyone wanted to go and Roger wanted to come. So we get out of the driveway...and he Rachel, you are going 50. I was like ok, this is going to get on my nerves. The speed limit was 45. so, I continued on my merry way...and got onto the freeway, well, they were slow in the fast lane and I was exiting so I moved back from the fast lane and into the slow lane, pass five cars, and then exit. And I hear...Rachel, you are not suppose to pass people when you are in the slow lane...and I am like, who taught this kid this stuff! Then, thinking it would end, after I park, he comments that the front tire is on the white line instead of inside it. (he did not notice that I took up a space and a half long ways. Dumb compact spaces...we were in a 15 passenger van) Then, when I was not looking the kid messed with the radio...a big no no in my family. The kid is only 10, and he is already annoying...I can just see my parents asking me to teach him how to drive since they have taught five of us already and Daniel will be driving in a few years. He is going to be annoying because he is going to follow the letter of EVERY law...which is important...but annoying. Like people who going the speed limit in the fast lane.
I got ready and started oil painting again. So far I have started the sky. It is black, blue, light blue, orange, yellow, and red so far. I will probably change it some more later.
My mom came home from a bible study, realized she forgot her purse, but was too tired to drive back so I drove her. Joe and Bonnie (the people who hosted the bible study) are the coolest people I have met in a long time. They are also the ones who loan out their cabin in lake Tahoe saying everything they have is Gods and they should use it to glorify him and if people can get a break and grow closer to their families and God then that is good, and we have stayed there to play in the snow a few times. They are two really strong Christians, and I am blessed to know them. So, we got back, and it was a good drive. No mistakes, or speeding on my part.
My sisters got busted (a word we always use on each other, but when my dad hears...we are "busted" for using improper English, my dad is really into making sure we always talk "proper-like") anyways, they skipped out on their chores and came to my room to watch movies instead. My room is now off limits to them for a sad.
My computer is going to get worked on this this is another good thing.
My class starts on the 14th. I have been told the teacher is a flake, he will lose my homework, forget to return tests, and other things like that. She also said he had a pleasant voice, and was "cute" for an older man, and he also teaches volleyball. We shall see. She has had him for three classes and she is taking elementary statistics at the same semester as me, but in the morning instead of at night.
My sister was allowed to adopt one of the strays off our property...the rest we are trying to get rid of to other homes. She named it Mickey. But then was so teased for the name by my father, who said Mickey was a mouse and that was a dumb name for a cat. She now calls it Fred. Its middle name is Mickey. The horrible thing about that is...we have some friends, they helped us adopt the four youngest kids, and their names are Fred and BeBe. My sister Julies cat is named BeBe (named long before we knew the person) so now we have Fred as well. The only other time I remember doing that was with Cookie and Bud, two friends...and the name of my brothers and my pigs. (Cookie was mine)
Well, that's about it. I need to go to bed, and I want to work on my sky. So...Night.
Oh, and the kitten was a trade off for the sheep, so we may be eating Ma, Dolly, and Gandolf, eventually. Pipin and Zorro we have been enjoying for some time now. We had some of them for lunch the other day...and they were sooooo good. I like lamb.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I miss you guys.

So, its been what...Three weeks without seeing even ONE of my friends. Yeah, I miss you guys. Thank you to all who keep up by email, phone, and IM. Yeah, well, I am going to probably continue to miss you guys if I sleep or I am going to bed...Night ya'll!!!

Texas aint so bad...

Ok, so to most who know all probably think I am way down on Texas. Yes, I admit...I enjoy watching "real" Texans get mad when something is said against their state. I really have nothing against Texas at all. Half of my family is from Texas. My MoM, who I admire above anyone else, was born and raised in Texas. As for the accent, I really do not want to pick it up because it is laughed at and made fun of, especially in California. My Dad, half jokingly , said if I got anymore of that accent, I should not come home. He dose not want me to sound...Southern. He also happens to be from New Jersey. Other than heat, which I hate no matter where it is on earth, I really do not have anything against Texas. Every state has its problems, California included. I am sorry if I have ever truly offended any Texan. Pretty much, anything I say against anything, is said in a joking way. Most of the time though, people misunderstand me. So, I am writing this entry to make sure people are not thinking I am something that I am not.
I do need to make sure I don't pick up more of that accent though, because a customer asked me at work where I was from, and did not believe me when I said, "I am from the other side of that Vivax grove" He did not think I could be Californian. Well, I said I had been to Europe, and picked up some of those accents, and I had been to Latin America...and had picked up some of those accents. He doesn't sound like those type of accent. When I told him I just got back from school in Texas...he said, ah, knew I had heard it before. So, when random strangers start noticing...That's a BAD thing. And according to my dad, its a really really bad thing. My mom likes it though. I did not think I had picked it up much at all!!! Its not very noticeable 'cept in a few things I say.
So, I am not really against anything, and tolerant of most things (as long as it does not go against my faith or hurt anyone). And even though I am not the peace maker of the family...I do enjoy peace. (I also like knives, bows and arrows, swords, and other weapons...but that's another subject.)

Monday, June 07, 2004

Not fair

Well, that's just not fair. Julie and I normally tend to be rivals...and she got this result. SOOOO not fair...I want to be cool and creative too...not some nerd.
Julies result:
You're an Etch-a-Sketch!! You're the creative,
artsy type who doesn't need to actually utilize
a single muscle group in order to have fun.
Doesn't matter though, you're still cool.

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I don't want to be a nerd!!!

speak and spell
You're a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just
because you were disguised as a toy doesn't
mean you weren't educational, you sneaky

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, June 06, 2004

*Is very disturbed*

I do not know if anyone but the Shadow Council was suppose to take this test...but I did. This is what I got. Strange.

You're Jared!

Which Member of the Shadow Council Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, June 04, 2004

Well, of all the fun things going on right now...I had to get sick. Others could not keep it to themselves...NO, they had to share. Ok, so I get this cold thing...and that would be alright if I did not lose my voice along with it. I got to work all weekend. I work sales, phones, working with customers...and I don't know how I am suppose to do that without a voice, or with a scratchy one. I did it today. Sometimes people could not understand me. If all else fails...I will just whisper and tell my customers that the bamboo needs us to be quiet to grow properly or some such nonsense. I could say anything (not that I would) and people believe me. I have always told the truth...even though I was really tempted to say something else at times when a customer was annoying me. Although, sometimes the truth is quite unbelievable. Most people cannot imagine a plant that's shoots grow up a foot a day (max. in US, in China the max is 3 feet a day) or a 80 foot tall grass. It is also interesting the way bamboo was used to torture people. They would tie a soldier over a new shoot and watch it grow threw the person. Being bored through with a bamboo shoot sounds terrible. So does having bamboo splinters shoved under your fingernails. But hey, that's history for you. Yes, Bamboo is a good weapon. (I am sorry for those who do not like hearing about that...I just like finding a lot of useless facts out...and there were a lot on that subject, also I was studying things with my 12 year old cousin, and he liked that kind of thing, and I did not even write most of the gory stuff or even most of what I heard, {aren't you glad?} and well, if you don't like hearing that kind of stuff, leave me a comment and I will try to refrain from that in the future)
Anyways, we are getting more security around our place, this should hopefully slow the thieves down. Soon, I will not be able to go anywhere without setting some alarms off. (on my first day back, I got the codes mixed up and set the office alarm off for a few seconds...but still, everyone heard it and thought that was so funny...grrr)

Thursday, June 03, 2004

This is Totally optional...

Hi I am creating a birthday calendar for myself. Can you please click on the link below and enter your birthday for me. Don't worry it is quick, and you don't have to enter your year of birth:-). Enter your birthday
Well, the maps were all done from memory...and some of the countries I did not recognize the name... Seeing the maps makes me realize how little of the world I have seen. It seemed like a lot...God made a beautiful planet, every culture slightly different. I have been blessed to go and see the world. I have learned so much. After seeing it all, all I can say is God is awesome. He created so much...I would have run out of ideas after creating California. (and if you look at west Texas...sometimes it seems that He did) ;)

Its a small world after all...

You are a Pheonix.

What legend are you? Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox
"We pursue fungi out of hunger, curiosity and addiction.
We seek improved access to greener grass, deeper duff and the warmth and security of togetherness..."
Yeah, that's an odd quote from the Fungus Federation Man, they are odd. And I have to deal with those people!!! Oh well. (if you don't know why I have to deal with these people, look at my last post)

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Well, I have not posted in a bit... Life has been hectic.

The office manager has not come in five days in a row...and that is really BAD!!! And to top it all off...our installation manager threw his back out and was almost unable to walk. He will be out for the rest of the week. Collin messed up a job, so I got woken up at 8:40 and got into the office at 8:45 and stayed there till 10:15 on my day off. Memorial day was the slowest day at work I have had in like forever. I did some stuff I was not suppose look up hammocks on the internet, and did other work related things...but the day was sooooo boring!! Well, it was slow because there was a wine festival going one in Boulder Creek, an Air Show in Watsonville, and other things in the other cities around us.
There also was an accident making it even harder to travel on the weekend. Summary...guy attacked cop on highway...cop had major head wound...cop shot guy...guy in hospital...hwy 1 was Freedom Blvd (my road) was full of traffic of people trying to get from SC to Watsonville...
I heard there was also a fire by hwy 17...among other things...I am so glad I am not a cop...they were busy memorial weekend...very busy.
Another thing...our nursery is known for having a rare fungus...we are in newspapers...again! A rare fungus called "stink horn" or "devils claw" has shown up all over our property. I keep getting calls and meeting people who came to get a picture of them. I had no idea that there was even a thing called a fungus federation!!! There are some really freaky mushroom people in this world...

They are doing alright. I have been doing a bit of babysitting... Yesterday I oversaw them hauling trash, loading a truck, and I would drive the truck up the hill (it was a stickshift...I am learning!) and I would unload the pickup trunk into the dumptruck. Today, when I got them...Robert had just found a decapitated rabbit (beats me what happened to the head) I let them use sticks to see what it looked like inside and when they asked I would tell them what the different parts were. like... that's the heart, that's a rib, that's a um...(insert random word that sounds like it should be in some things body) and yeah, that's something else living things normally have inside them... After they were done, they scooped the rabbit (or what was left of it) up and we took it out to bury it. They dug a hole, inserted the rabbit, and then put dirt over it, then collected flowers to put on the grave...and Roger tried to get everyone to give five minutes of silence (which lasted all of three seconds) then we went inside to dinner. So, the kids learned something a rabbit works... Something that some found funny...when they found the rabbit the first thing they wanted to do was eat it (don't ask me why) and I told them they couldn't because it was not killed right. Robert then looked at the rabbit and asked "so it's alive?" yeah, my brother is a spacecadet...

I got registered for my class...more on that when I know.

Payday was the first!
I got in trouble for talking on the phone for over two hours...when I say in trouble...all I normally get is a talking to and a threat of having to pay for something or do something...but nothing normally comes from that. Julie is the one who told MoM.
Julie was given a car...should get her to stop bugging me about how much better my room is then hers...for a while that is.
Found Julie, in my room and on my computer...again...this time she also helped herself in the to love them.
My grandma told me today I should drop out of college and become the office manager.
I have been eating a ton of fresh strawberries...we can buy them right off the farm, so we get a flat a week or so...they are so good...and they are the big ones (not the ones that fill your hand...those we got in LaHonda, but they are not small)
I work tomorrow so I am going to bed tonight.