Saturday, June 19, 2004

"It was THAT big"

My sister and I can be such chickens. We hear noises out the front door. So I open it...and look out. Nothing... Then I step out... Nothing... Then I say "MoM, there's nothing ou..." When suddenly behind the trash can the ground cover bamboo (Humilis, 5' tall) flattens something huge pushes through it. So, I back into the house...and I slam the door. (sorta...there is a huge stain glass window on the door, so if it was slammed, like a REAL slam, it would break out...right now tape seems to be holding it together.) So, my MoM inquires about my sighting... Well, I so over exaterated it...making huge hand motions to show how humongo this thing was, and how it flattened the bamboo!!! Well, I was in the from this horrible monster looming outside...but it was bed time...and my room was out across the never-ending parking lot in the apartment. My sister lived next door (my old room) so she too needed to leave the safety of the main house and travel through the "jungle" to her bed. So, we try to look through the stain glass (and if you have ever done see weird shapes, different colors, and blurriness...nothing to warn you of the danger that awaits you) I, being the brave one, opened the door, and pushed my sister out first. She the bushes moved and made noise. We rapidly re-entered the house. Once again re-closing the door with slight force. We were told to go to bed a while ago...and the punishment for staying up getting woken up dad claimed it would be a little before six we knew we needed to high-tail it out of there. This time, we open the door, and out from the bushes pops...A FACE!!! A small, masked face. Its dark eyes looking straight at us. My sister and I stand our ground... And the face disappears from view. This is the visitor that has come around a few had finally shown its face. So, my sister and I part ways at the door, she walks by the house while I have to walk streight out by the place where the face had just been. My sister watches me though the darkness to see if I make it safely...I make it though the yard and in to the parking lot. Then I yell, made it, and quickly walk towards my room...checking to make sure I was not being followed. Trying to get the images out of my head of my MoM being attacked by one, she kept it off with a broom, which was completely destroyed in the confrontation. They are known to pick up rabies...and carry them. Would I make it to the safety of my room? I get through the door, through the living room, and up my stairs, and into my room...Safely. That old coon (raccoon) lost again as all its victims made it safely to their rooms.


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