Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Well, Just got done feeding the animals...The kitten went with me to feed the other ones... I left it in its room when feeding the lizard. And I thought tofu looked bad last night...its even worse when its been out all night under a heat lamp... So, I feed Lizzy and she does not seem to care for her dinner being late and her breakfast being late...but oh well. Then I grab the kitten and we head next door to feed the other cat, BeBe. BeBe hates my cat and does not tend to get along with other animals. So, I go in and open a can of cat food and put that by her dish. She likes that. Then because she was out all night I did not need to clean the litter box. Well, my sister forgot to tell me about Pete and Repeat (Repeats real name is bluebell, but I never call her that.) I knew she had them, but it had slipped my mind. So I pour some food in their dish, give them a treat...I forgot to check their water...oops...I will have to go do that. They are two little birds...I don't remember their name off the top of my head. So, the whole time I am feeding these animals the kitten is in one hand looking at them with such a shocked look on her face. *kitten races across room and jumps up and attaches itself to Rachels back because she is ignoring it and typing this instead* *ouch!* *it also gets up in her lap and tries to remove her hair...thinks its a toy or something* *kitten tries again...Rachel gets it before it lands* *now its walking around the key board and attacking the printer* *Rachel checks on food...it said seven minutes...well, it was still frozen...Its one of those Hungry-man meals...I think I may go and try to use the oven/stove thing so I don't starve...microwaveable meals are not the best thing on the planet...* anyways, the kitten was staring at the birds...the other cat ignored us and ate...and yeah, the kitten was a still as a doornail. Us girls have had a dog, 2 cat, 3 rats, and two birds living in one room for a while. One cat was an outdoor cat. The dog roamed the whole house. We gave one rat to my brother, then the other rat to my other brother. And the other cat would sit for hours staring at the birds and rat. Then I gave my rat to a missionary kid, her name was Queen Jesibell...and the kid named her bob or George or something. I told him it was a girl and he said he would rather it be a boy. I gave up and Bob lived happily for a while. The we each moved out to other rooms and places. I went next door, and Raquel moved in with them, then I went to Colombia and Julie moved out to my old room. (there were a few other moves in between but that's a good summary...Jonathan got my old room for a while before Julie...Till he went to school and I was stuck in the little boys room for two months with the little boys...ewww) Anyways...food is done...must study more.

Random fact. The girl at the Zoo said that the Pink Flamingo's leg is not backwards... What we see as their knee is really their ankle. They are standing on their toes. Where we think is there thigh is really their knee, and their thighs are about --------------- that big and cannot be seen because of their feathers. Their center of balance also has the ability to shift, making them just as stable on one leg as two. She had never heard of them falling over or of anyone trying Flamingo tipping. They lift their legs to warm them. They eat Flamingo chow, similar to dog food. And the mothers turn white because they are giving up some of the vitamins that make them pink for their kids. The babies are grey...and turn white when they get older and pink when they start eating the shrimp and stuff.


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