Friday, June 11, 2004


I shocked the guys at work today. They were discussing their upcoming weekend, talking about which parties had kegs or not, and how they were going to get wasted. (one guy said Fresno had the best parties, and it was way worth the drive) I said that sounded like a complete waste of a weekend, and that hangovers sounded terrible (I have only heard from my friends, never experienced one) and wondered why they would want to get "wasted". One of the guys at work was not at his best because it was his 22nd birthday and he had been out partying the night before, and showed up an hour and forty minutes late to work. He was kind of out of it, but not too bad. Anyways, they gave me a funny look, and told me I could avoid hangovers by drinking lots of water with the beer. (like the hangover part was the thing I thought was a waste of time) I told them I had eight more months before I would worry about getting drunk, and probably never use their advice because I did not plan on going out drinking any time soon. Being underage here does not seem to matter when talking about getting drunk to some people. So many underage people drink. So, one guy asked me how many times I had gotten drunk. I said never, and had only had a glass of champane while in Germany, nothing more in my life. That news shocked them. The one guy's way of thinking was that we can only have so much fun in life and drugs and alcohol get you more fun, faster. The other guy talked about going partying every night, and working every day. And going to church in the evening so you could sleep off the night before and go to the next night out after church. The first guy said, oh your some Christian...getting drunk after church. The second said he was catholic, not Christian. (that put a little strain in the room) Then the first guy said, so Catholics get to party?...*and the conversation continued* I find it all very strange. I had a friend once who was a Catholic but did not approve of all the partying, so she asked to go to church with me to see if there was something more than what she had grown up on, later she became a Christian. Her family did not like that fact but allowed her to. It is interesting to see different people's views on life, religion, and drinking, but I wonder where they got those views from. How can the one guy see it as right to get totally drunk every night and then go to church (which he thought was timed so people could party at night and still attend church)? How can a person go through life thinking that the only reason he is there is to have fun? How come it is now a rarity to meet a person that has not gotten drunk? How can some people find something wrong but then others find that same thing right? I find life hard enough to go through knowing that God has a plan for my life, how could someone go through life, and not believe that there is a reason to get up each day, and just believe that we are just here by chance? I wonder...


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