Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Texas aint so bad...

Ok, so to most who know me...you all probably think I am way down on Texas. Yes, I admit...I enjoy watching "real" Texans get mad when something is said against their state. I really have nothing against Texas at all. Half of my family is from Texas. My MoM, who I admire above anyone else, was born and raised in Texas. As for the accent, I really do not want to pick it up because it is laughed at and made fun of, especially in California. My Dad, half jokingly , said if I got anymore of that accent, I should not come home. He dose not want me to sound...Southern. He also happens to be from New Jersey. Other than heat, which I hate no matter where it is on earth, I really do not have anything against Texas. Every state has its problems, California included. I am sorry if I have ever truly offended any Texan. Pretty much, anything I say against anything, is said in a joking way. Most of the time though, people misunderstand me. So, I am writing this entry to make sure people are not thinking I am something that I am not.
I do need to make sure I don't pick up more of that accent though, because a customer asked me at work where I was from, and did not believe me when I said, "I am from the other side of that Vivax grove" He did not think I could be Californian. Well, I said I had been to Europe, and picked up some of those accents, and I had been to Latin America...and had picked up some of those accents. He said...it doesn't sound like those type of accent. When I told him I just got back from school in Texas...he said, ah, knew I had heard it before. So, when random strangers start noticing...That's a BAD thing. And according to my dad, its a really really bad thing. My mom likes it though. I did not think I had picked it up much at all!!! Its not very noticeable 'cept in a few things I say.
So, I am not really against anything, and tolerant of most things (as long as it does not go against my faith or hurt anyone). And even though I am not the peace maker of the family...I do enjoy peace. (I also like knives, bows and arrows, swords, and other weapons...but that's another subject.)


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