Monday, June 14, 2004


*Rachel returns from school* *Rachel wishes to cry* *Rachel is alone* *Rachel does not like walking around in dark areas or dark parking lots late at night with weird freaks wandering around* *Rachel still hates math* *Rachel is tired* *Rachel needs friends* *Rachel is a weird freak*
So, I write my previous blog post. I then grab a snack, and pack my books. I head down to my car...and look in it for the keys. Well, they are not there. So, I run to the is locked...I race back to my brothers room and he gives me the key to the house. I enter the house. The key is not by the door where we leave it...the only key is the one to the Honda which my siblings are going to take to the lake. I walk on the freshly varnished floors and check the kitchen for the keys. They are not there...I briskly walk back to my brothers room and yell for my sister to get me the keys to the van. They are in her purse in her room. So I grab my junk out of the car and throw it in the van. I trade the keys to the Honda that I found for the keys to the white van. I jump in the van...Later than I wanted and drive to my school. Well, I turned up the wrong road at first so being late...I did a u-turn on a two lane road in a 15 passenger van. Yeah...Well, it was freaky. So then I get up to the parking lot...expecting it to be full as normal. It was almost empty...I parked and walked straight down and to the class room. I was in room 713. I enter the room and there are tables...not desks (the other buildings on that campus sometimes have desks.) There are about 8 people in the room. Most looked older than or two my age. I get there 4 minutes before it starts...which is at 6pm. There are chalk boards across the front, and a table facing the rest. There are about five rows of tables facing the front. The other walls are bare with only one or two items...which I cannot remember what they look like. The teacher walked in...a minute after six...and he is carrying some spandex clothing. He lays the cloths over the bike in the front of the room...I hadn't noticed it there (it was blue and orange) and he walks about...picks up some bike gloves and puts them with the bike as well. While waiting...people are starting to fill up the room. Most of the girls are in tank tops, except me of course. One guy walks in and he has a hot pink stripe of hair and the girl with him...had her hair cut very short.
well, class begins...he gives us a syllabus. It covers one side of a sheet. He goes over it...adds some things as he goes along...and says we will have a quiz every day. We will also be covering about two chapters a day.
So, he starts teaching...and he lectured for two straight hours...
We covered all sorts of things...mainly the median, mean, and mode and frequency. Well, I wrote about five pages of notes, both sides, and thought my hand was about to fall off.
The other issue is that this teacher likes the TI-83. Well, I have a TI-89 and a Voyager 200. Well, the way he shows us stuff on the calculator...I need to have the same one as him. He says push the stats button, then select edit, then select this and that and yada yada yada... So, before tomorrow he wants everyone to have the TI-83. Well, after that annoyance...
He gets ready to assign homework...he sits a second...Then he announces that he has decided the the new way he was going to do it wont work...and he is changing the syllabus back to the way it was. We will not have any quizzes...We will have a test every Monday. He will re-write the syllabus and give us a new copy tomorrow.
So, I am tired and I walk out of the class room...and I forgot my jacket at home. By the time I get to the car I am shaking from cold. It is about 50 degrees or lower out. While at the Zoo I walked around in two sweatshirts. So, its cold, and I love yeah, I am tired, cold, and depressed. So, I get in the van and turn the heat on. Drive down the street to the Safeway. Then I go to get tofu for my brothers iguana. Well, I find the tofu, and have a choice from DIFFERENT TYPES. I mean come on, its tofu. How many types do you really need. I dislike the stuff, and so I had no idea of which to get...I was told to get it extra firm. it all looked gross to me. While walking to and from my car...the parking lot is not the best lit thing...there is a guy just wandering around out there...he starts towards me...I pretend he is not there and walk toward the entrance...the one I headed toward was blocked for this random freak stares at me until I enter the store. I was having a bad day and he did not make it better. After arriving home, I notice that there is an extra car inside our like great...there is unwanted company roaming around here. I walk in...feed the kitten, and then the lizard...I cut up the tofu...and then stick my hand with it in the cage like Daniel said to. Lizzy (the name of the iguana) runs over and stops close...Daniel said it likes to be hand fed so I pick up a piece and hold it over to her. She licks my finger...and then grabs the food. Then I gave her another piece, and she grabbed that...Meanwhile the kitten is howling for attention. So I pull it out and walk next door to feed BeBe (Julies cat) well, its really dark there. and I could not find the light switch right away, so do to that being a raccoons hangout, I left bebe...I will feed her tomorrow and went to say goodnight to my Aunt El. Did that, put the kitten back in its cage, turned the light off in Lizzy's cage, walked back over the freshly applied varnish, and turned off the lights and locked the front door. Walked across the parking lot, and closed and locked and dead bolted the door. I heard Jim and his bum friends moving around next door...I don't like being around them in the day...I don't want to even imagine it at night. Then at 10 o'clock or so, I come upstairs, make myself dinner...I had Sourdough bread and spinach dip...YUM! Then I am writing this I am so tired I am going to fall out of my I am going to bed...Tomorrow is my day off, so I am going to do Homework, he randomly assigned a lot. I still want to cry, I am still by myself. I miss my friends... Being alone some is cool...I don't see how some people love it thought...I find it freaky at night. Its so weird to not have roommates... Well, I am going to go hide in my bed now... I really don't think I am going to do well in that is a ton of information in a little time.


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