Sunday, June 27, 2004

Today is another day...
My dad got home this afternoon from Colorado. He leaves tomorrow at six am. Daniel is also going with him. Tonight while packing I was chosen to go out to the office to grab a medium t-shirt. Well, I know the way to get to the office without setting off the alarms...but that path was blocked by I went, grabbed the head, and then tried to step over the beam of water and between two bamboo canes which could be further apart for me but aren't. So, I get to the office door...and open it...and yeah, well, that sets off the of the doors were suppose to be broken so it was not supposed to, thus my reason for trying to avoid the alarm and end up in the sprinkler system. So I enter the codes and go to get the t-shirt. Sunday nights are the nights we have been robbed, being out all alone in the office at almost 11pm was not too fun. I then get the joys of rearming the system...and I don't press a button hard I have now entered the wrong beats me what to I press the button to clear the memory and reenter the beeps its approval at me...and I slam the door behind me waiting for the alarm to go off...knowing I must have done it wrong. I wait...and wait...nothing but silence is worked. But now I have waited to see if I did it right...and all the alarms are now sensitive I must return through the sprinkler system to get back inside. Well, I get my legs wet...not bad except I was wearing white short like things...and had my cell phone, my keys, and my wallet hanging from my back pocket...they remained mostly dry. I also knew that the raccoon was out running around the same area as I was. The saying "fears grow in darkness" is SO very true. The thought of being out there with a drug addict and a raccoon...and the boogie monster, vampires, and other random scary things with many weapons of mass destruction was not the most wonderful feeling.

Also, its amazing what ex-roommates will admit too. Julie, Daniel and I were going to the bank at like 10pm, right before I was sent to the office...the story told above. On the way home, we were talking about money hiding spots...and when I said one of the spots I hid sister said, Yeah we all knew where you had hid that. I was like...WHAT?! She continued saying she and Rebecca went through most of my stuff. They knew I was storing something in (a thing), so they went through it and thought it was cool to see all the two dollar bills I had hidden in there. She acted like that was normal...she was like, we lived in the same room for like what..our whole lives of course we went through each others stuff. I think I will let a few more years pass before I admit to my parts in things.


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