Sunday, June 20, 2004


I played solitaire and Freecell today at work, I also worked, and Bill really annoys me. Luckily I only have to put up with his retardedness for two more months. The topic in the office today turned to religion for a while, and then it turned to about the war in Iraq...they thought we should go in there and kill them all and starve out the rest. Give the women and children a certain amount of time to leave and then just blow the whole place out and economically shut them out. I don't know what I think exactly on that subject...but that is not what I want to happen. Well, they talked about it, giving their opinion and anything that I said, Bill had other things to say. And he had no logic for why he thought what he did. Just that he thought that and it was hard for me to see someone talk about killing off a whole nation of people like that with no thought or problem with it. I told them in that culture the women were like owned by the men and could not just up and leave...they seemed to like the idea of owning women. They then turned the topic to skinning cats and making hats out of them (we had a litter of wild cats and have been working on getting rid of them...there are two left) I am tired of working weekends with just guys. Sometimes they can be SO foul! And if I get told one more time by Collin that its a woman's job to clean up after men, or you can massage my feet now, or get called "woman" or any other degrading remark I may SCREAM. If Tony...even as a joke, hits on me again, I will go insane...HE IS A FREAKING 30 Years OLDER Than why is joking around like that. Any more comments about...Oh, you think I am cute...or I gots to get me a wife...or anything like that....GGGGRRRRR...I mean PLEASE! Collin and Marco also get together and make comments on the different female customers that come. It is so immature...and sometimes makes me mad...I cannot believe someone would look at or talk about girls that way. My MoM said it was a guy thing. I wish they would not do it in front of me then. I also truly hope that is not the only thing a guy thinks when he looks at a girl. I have also had it with the swearing...Do they think it makes them sound intelligent? Cool? or what? I am so ready for my day off tomorrow.


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