Sunday, June 20, 2004

Well, I go out to play basketball and end up in the emergency room for five hours...

Ok, so I get off work. I clean my room. I sorted my CD's. Then my father comes and tells me its time to play basketball...Its what he wanted for father's day. My family had just gotten back from vacation, and the boat was not put away yet. So, we have to push the speed boat and trailer into its spot before we play. Well, my dad, I, and others get on one side and push...and the boat moves so fast that he and I dragging our feet pulling back barely stop it...and it slid slightly too far. So, we are trying to pull it back...Its not moving. I then walk around to the stern (back) of the boat and does not move I push even harder...SUDDENLY, my sister screams! Well, she was told to get out of the way and we finally got the boat into place. Well, after that we looked around for my little sis, Raquel or Anna or Anna Banana or Rock (she goes by all), and we cannot find her, and then Julie comes running out yelling "dad, come quick, its Raquel!!!" So, we all go running. To my suprize I see her toe. It was so gross. The nail had completely come off and was hanging by a flap of skin...blood was everywhere. Dad carries her to the car, and MoM and I jump in. We head to the emergency mom turns left on a red arrow...then stops at the stop sign...she justified it, saying she stopped at the red light too. Well, we get in and the parking lot and I carry her in and set her in the chair, and the nurse looks at her and decides emergency over urgent care...I run and park the car...and then we sit in the waiting room. A really cute little girl comes up to my sister and on seeing her foot, offers her a piece of gum...and talked to her some. That was really great cuz Rock was in a ton of pain. Well, two and a half hours later my MoM sends me to pick up some taco Bell, and the movie we had been watching ended...and we were quite hungry and bored. So, I go get food. Then I get back and they are gone. So I ask the nurse if I can go back...she said she would check and called and said my MoM would come get me if I was allowed. So, I sit and wait some more...watched some of The Great Outdoors...I had seen it was just as bad as I remembered. I then ate a taco and my tostada...then I waited some more...then my MoM sticks her head out to see if I am there...which I was...and she takes me to Rocks room...#7. I give them there food and we start eating...and the nurse came in and he said we were not allowed to eat...and he asked and Rock was but we were not. I told Miss Anna Banana what I thought of that...and she was quite happy about it. (then my MoM reprimanded me cuz I stole a bit of it from her) It was a wonderful nacho bell grande... So, we got in there at six, and the doctor finally made it in to work on it at nine or so. He gives her stiches, one on each side of the nail (it had skin attached on all sides so he was able to do that) We talked some during that, and tried to calm Rock down when he was giving her the shot in the toe...that did not go well, the needle was about two inches, the syringe was about five inches, and one inch in diameter. I held her leg down for that. I found out that the doctor had taken sewing in college...he made a Hawaiian shirt. It eventually wore out. Ok, so now that her toe is sewn up she needed x-rays...she did not want to go I got to join her. The guy looks at me and says..."ok, are you pregnant?" I tell him, "no, of course not" He then said "well, not to pry or anything, ya see...I just have to ask, cuz if you were you would not be going in there." I of course knew this, having had my fair share of x-rays in my life. (Although I just found out what the small blanket they put over you is for...and they only put it on women.) So, I went with her, and stood behind a pillar in the room. Then Rock asked about the pictures so I asked if she could be allowed to see them, and she was. He said he was not a doctor but it did not look broken. He was also interested in the weather at Lake San Antonio (when he found out that's where my family went on vacation.) He was shocked like every one else when he heard it was so foggy that it was too cold to swim the last day. The lake is known for being VERY hot...we at least for Californians from my area. After that I ask another nurse about the eating policy and she said that what the other nurse said was bull and we should eat. My MoM being a diabetic...she needed too...and I made sure she did. The code to get into the area where they keep supplies is 1245...I saw enough people enter. I got my sister to laugh some...and my MoM thought we were being too loud...but then I got her laughing. They did not chop off her toe as I said they would... I also was describing her toe to her...Its pink with green spots, and yellow spikes sticking out...and to a 8 year old...that is funny...she kept giggling. My mom laughed when I said it now looked like a Californian Raisin...Rock laughed at that and we laughed harder...since she had no idea what a Californian Raisin was. My mom remember them, they were a cartoon like figure, they were purple, wore sunglasses, and had black arms and legs and they had a weird song (and I had a picture of one on my backpack in kindergarten thru first grade). (I have a picture of them on my computer and don't know how to put it here but you can also look them up online...they are on eBay as well as other places) Anna Raquel also decided she did NOT like the one nurse guy. He at the beginning took off her shirt and put her in the cute hospital clothes...and she did NOT LIKE THAT... So, my wonderful MoM said when she leaves she can stick her tongue out at him, so the very next time he enters the room and turns his back, she sticks out her tongue...and every time he entered we all tried to not laugh... Well, we got out of there and into the car by 11:03. Rock thought the clock was off. Then cuz dairy queen was closed we brought her home and gave her cake and ice cream (Dads bryers mint chocolate chip and Lazy Dazy cake.) Which we found out is what the others ate for dinner since MoM and I were not home. So, I then leave after we discussed it...getting told I am too loud (what's new?) and then I wrote this instead of going to sleep like I should have. I have a test in 18 hours.


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