Sunday, June 20, 2004

More Randomness!

Other news...My mom ordered me a cell phone...we shall see how that works.
My dad announced that we could make a request if we wanted him to do something with us before he takes off for a month and a half or so. He is going a few days somewhere in the US, then a month in China, Japan, Tibet...then a few days in Florida. I did not catch everywhere he said he was going.
Its Daniels turn to go with him, so Daniel will be gone that month too, and he will be the first to go to Tibet...So not fair.
Chip Ingram, now president of Walk Thru the Bible, who used to be our teaching pastor, came to teach again. He is a AMAZING teacher. But it seems that some people follow Chip instead of following God...maybe more on that later.
The Cabrillo college parking passes are yellow, bus passes are orange, and semester color is pink.
I am over my cold.
I have lost six pounds in the last week.
I got new anti pop-up ad software, which I am about to install. If not, the girl my dad pays to work on the computers of the property will come out and look at it again.
If I slam my hand into anything else, it may cease to work. Already from slamming it into the cabinet, when I rub the back of my hand all my fingers tingle. The normal arm going numb stuff still happens. Its hard writing so much. I am very right handed.
Have not picked up the violin in a while.
My painting is still at the stuck point.
Rebecca called me a nerd...said i was being loud and annoying. I told her nerds were quiet and hid themselves in their rooms. She asked what you call people like me...I said freak...any better names?
Roger also decided i was the one to go with him outside when he was afraid..."cuz any robber we meet you could get and then he would reget having ever come what you normally do" Yeah, that comment had me worried...What i normally do? Well, i guess you all better beware. Here comes Normal Rachel! The commment, i think, he was refering to me tickling them, and picking them up and running around after them screaming, and sword fighting with sheeths. Or maybe the way i grab their ear when they are getting hauled off to MoM...for the like billionth time.
I must REALLY go to bed this time.
Chao todo el gente en el mundo.
If you are wandering about any of what I say...just ask me. I am used to being hard to understand.
oh, and cannot convince any of my other friends or Julie to blog...Although Saraita seems to be keeping it up.
Oh, and most little brothers turned my target into a "fort" I have to re-stack all those hay bales...and Rebecca stole one for the dumb sheep.
and...homework is not done for Monday yet.


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