Saturday, June 26, 2004

Pull out the guns....Again

Well, its been a while since I last wrote. Random things have been happening here on the Bamboo Giant...or my house...which ever you prefer to know it as. Tonight is the second time the alarms have gone off in the last three days. Two nights ago, they went brother ran out there so fast that even I was shocked at his speed. My mom ran into the yard...then back into the house...then she walked into the yard again, followed by my dad with the gun. They ran around...I then wandered in my PJs over to our yard and we talked while the "men" went searching. My house over looks a lot of the I could see our whole yard, halfway down our drive way, and the whole parking lot...its really cool. So, yeah, that's how I knew exactly what was going on. Well, my dad left yesterday morning (the morning after the alarms went off) so he is in Colorado at the moment. So, Tonight I watched the first Harry Potter (that movie was so overrated...Hopefully the books are better, although I did enjoy it. Don't let my Grandma know, she thinks its of the devil...) Oh yeah, anyways...So after the movie, I come in to do a post...since it has been a while...And the Alarms go off... I grab my jacket and I am down, knock on my brothers door, and am out side...I make it to our front yard and tell my mom I will go out, and she should not...then I realize I have no flash light or gun... So, I slow down a few steps and let my brother catch up. Then I go and turn the alarms off while he starts looking around. As I am searching in the dark, through the bamboo (which is wonderful at hiding people....Hide and seek games can last like forever) I realize...I DON'T WANT TO FIND ANYTHING...Yes, it would be nice to catch whoever...but most likely he will be able to overpower me...and yeah, it could be messy. I look anyways and wander around the parking lot, in and out of the bays where we store products (they are left open sometimes), by the picnic area, and all around. I picked up an unripe peach that was laying next to one of our fruit trees and throw it into the bushes...Daniel copies me...My mom and sister hear it and freak...Daniel and I go off to check somewhere else... My mom then decides to send me into the public bathrooms to see if anyone could be in there...I push open the door and the automatic lights come on...I look behind the door and GASP... My mom freaks again...I laugh...yeah...its not a good thing to scare a heart patient like that...but nothing bad happened. I check around the other areas...lock up the shop (Daniel forgot...AGAIN...and Jon asked me to do I said I would) I put some of the tools that had been left out away (a few post hole diggers, among other things) and turned off and locked up shop.
I hope I never run into the guy that has been stealing from us. His campsite was found on our property...with all our stuff, and a bunch of our pots, soil, and growing supplies. He was growing a bunch of pot, which the cops took away and left there card there in case he happen to go and look at where his drugs had gone off too. The thought of meeting a middle aged, on drugs man in the middle of the night is not the most comforting thought.
Looks like I am going to be getting a new manager at work...So I must be off to bed so I can make it to work tomorrow. I also have a five page paper to write on the OJ Simson trial...yeah, I like know NOTHING about that...for my stats class. Plus study for a test on Monday. My 2 Californian friends want to get together on Monday...So I don't know...We shall see what life throws at me next.
My brother has told me I can grab the gun if I ever need to. He says that the guy will be more afraid of a girl with a gun than another guy with a gun. My dad taught me how to shoot...I am not the best at it...And I don't know if I can shoot a man. The gun is full of bird shots, so I could not kill him...just hurt him a bit. Let us hope it never comes to that. I wonder how much damage a bow and arrow could do...


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