Monday, June 28, 2004

Well, my sister got a new computer today. It is a eMac. Its...Interesting. She likes it.
I got all but one problem on half my test...And then got the extra credit question right. So, I got all the points for the first half of my test. The second half gets graded tomorrow...I don't think I did well on that part.
I watched Up town girls again...then freaked my mother out by dancing around the house. It would have been alright...except I kind of kicked a bowl that Julie had left on the floor from her dinner (thank heavens for plastic) and scared the kittens some... My mom loves me...even if I am a klutz. I mimicked the girl at the end pretty well...shows how bad I dance... The dog likes dancing with me though :) Only one guy has ever been brave enough to ask to dance...and he was not asking me, he was asking my friend and she volunteered me to dance with him. He did not even reach up to my shoulder...I was about two feet taller than him. And people wonder why I don't dance...


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