I just stole this from
Sarah's Blog and I am doing it for about the same reasons as she did.
Name: Rachel
Birthday: Jan. 18, 1984
Shoe size: 10
Height: 5'8 (its what I say everywhere...I could be a little shorter)
Weight: More than Andrew, less than David. (that is between 50lbs and 250lbs...)
Eye color: brown
Hair color:brown, that some people have the nerve to call dirty blond...ITS NOT!
Hair length: Too short for my liking.
Grade: 3rd semester sophomore
Nicknames: Random, sisso, bookworm, and Rach (don't you dare call me them.)
What Languages do you speak?: English and Spanish and like four words of three others. and whinese
Are you a morning or night person?: Totally night person
Are you ticklish?: sometimes...I kinda out grew it.
Do you have braces?: I did...twice
Do you have glasses/contacts?: Was given glasses in the third grade...forced to wear them some...then the Dr. claimed I outgrew them. They were purple. *wonders how that happened*
What do you want to be? Social worker, or teacher, or foster/adoptive mom, anything with kids.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: No
What are you most scared of?: growing up
If you had an extra set of eyes, where would you put them?: the person who thought up that question must have been really tired.
What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: That would mean one has to think.
Favorite -
Movies?: Everafter, Anne of green gables...I can enjoy almost any movie.
Song?: It depends on my mood.
Band/group?: as above...it depends on how I am feeling, although, anything christian
Store?: book stores...graceland (a christian book/music store here)
Vacation spot?: Anywhere
Fruit?: strawberries, mango, and kiwi
Class?: Spanish class with Senor Morales
Holiday?: Thanksgiving
Color?: blue and Orange
Magazine?: Brio
Name for a girl?: Well, my name is perfect...but its taken...so I would say...um, Jennifer
Name for a boy?: I have always liked David, and Jonathan...but those are my brothers names...so...um...
TV show?: don't watch tv.
Meat?: Chicken, duck, turkey, lamb...No beef, yuck
Pizza topping?: sausage and mushrooms
Book?: I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens.
animal: Chicken
Have You Ever -
Done drugs?: no
Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: um...maybe
Been dumped?: no
Had someone been unfaithful to you?: no
Watched Punky Brewster?: Huh?
Hiked a mountain?: Yes, many times...
Been in love?: riiiight...if there were such a thing
Seen the White House?: no
Seen the Eiffel Tower?: Yeah, been up it too
Tried smoking?: no, if I did, it would most likely kill me.
Drank alcohol?: well, once...in Germany...it was gross
Smoked marijuana?: no
Played Monopoly?: yes...although not very many were ended
Seen Titanic?: yes
Kissed someone?: EWWWWW NO, NEVER
French kissed someone?: uggg...dont make me sick
Tried a weight loss program?: nope...unless going to Colombia counts
Jumped on a trampoline?: yes...we have one
Visited another country?: yeah, too many to count sometimes
Had a bubble bath?: when I was REALLY little
Been on a plane?: yeah, even if I hate them
Been on a boat?: yeah, stuck on one for a month and a half off the coast of Mexico
Been on a train?: Yes, from France to Portugal
Been in a car accident?: Yeah
Made a web page?: yes for Comp I and II
Played with barbies?: definitely....what girl didn't
Stayed up all night?: Once! Well, naw...more like five times. All after I got to college.
Broken a bone?: only a few...Knee, toes...
Called a psychic or sex hotline?: didn't know they existed
Watched Jerry Springer?: I think I heard his name said once before...But never have seen it.
Gotten in trouble for talking in class?: um...Yeah
Been afraid of the dark?: sometimes
Had stitches?: No, thank heavens...oops...I did, when I got my wisdom teeth out.
Dumped someone and regretted it?: no
Lied?: no, never (who hasn't?)
Been arrested?: no
Fallen asleep in class?: yeah
Met a celebrity?: who would want to?
Broken the law?: cept for speeding...not that I know of
Wanted to kill someone?: Do brothers count?
Do You -
Like to walk in the rain?: yeah
Prefer black or blue pens?: black, (my office manager makes us use blue...I hate that!)
Dress up on Halloween?: when I was little...last one I remember I was an angel on cruches, then I go dressed as a babysitter (if you have to walk your little siblings around...why not get free candy?)
Have a job?: I have been employed in different places since I was 9. Yes I have one
Like to travel?: yeah, sorta...I mainly like the other places...not getting there.
Like someone?: yeah, I think I have some friends...maybe
Sleep on your side, tummy, or back?: side
Want to marry?: yes, well, if I ever find a guy "worthy of me" as my dad puts it.
Have a goldfish?: no, I helped take care of my sisters...they died...and the other fish I got I gave away before I killed it.
Ever have the falling dream?: The what?
Have stuffed animals?: yeah, used to have tons...then my mom loaded them in four huge boxes and gave them to goodwill...I cried for a week or so. I have collected more...
Other -
Who is your bestfriend?: Best? well, um, Childhood friend, Lydia. School Friend, Sarah. Colombia Friend, Carolina. El Salvadorian friend, Maru. CA friend, Jen. and then there are others I count as friends...beats me to whom is "best"
Would you take a bullet for him/her?: yes, for any of them...I hate seeing others in pain
Do you like your handwriting?: when I can read it yes.
Do you have any piercings?: my ears
Any tattoos?: no, my mom would not even allow the fake ones.
What tattoo would you want?: I don't think I want one
Where?: somewhere where no one would see it.
What is the one place you have to visit before you die?: like I could stop myself from dying to visit anywhere?
What did you do today?: Worked 9-5, went to a study group, cleaned out my mom's frige, read blogs, and did countless other things.
What time is it?: 1:15am...darn, I work in less than 8 hours and 45 minutes
Where do you work?: Bamboo giant
Do you own a mini skirt?: no, and I wouldn't be caught dead in one
Do you floss?: yeah
Where is the farthest you have traveled?: probably Hong Kong..or china or Korea, or Japan...or one of those places...
Do you swear a lot?: naw...only slipped like five times in my life...although I am around swearing A LOT...
Got milk?: don't like the stuff much
Do you like little kids?: I love hanging out with kids.
This or That -
Pierced nose or tongue?: neither
Be serious or funny?: depends on the time...after 2am...funny
Single or taken?: single
Simple or complicated?: complicated...or told I was by those dumb enough to try to figure me out
Law or anarchy?: who cares
MTV or vh1?: neither
7th Heaven or Dawsons Creek?: don't know either
Sugar or salt?: sugar
Silver or gold?: Silver
Tongue or belly?: huh?
Chocolate or flowers?: chocolate
Color or black and white photos?: color
Sunrise or sunset?: sunset
M&M's or Skittles?: peanutbutter M&M's...although I like skittles a lot too
Rap or rock?: rock
Stay up late or sleep in?: both
Tall members of the opposite sex or short?: tall
Sun or moon?: moon
Diamond or ruby?: Diamond
Left or right?: right.
10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? best friend
Vanilla or chocolate?: Vanilla
Kids or not?: kids
Cat or dog?: cat
Half empty or half full?: half full
Mustard or ketchup?: ketchup...mustard is so gross
Sneakers or sandals?: Sneakers
McDonalds or Burger King?: both...McDonalds when traveling, BK at home.
Mexican or Italian?: Mexican
Lights on or off?: on
Duct tape or scotch tape?: both...tape is just that cool
Candy or soda?: neither...or both
A house in the woods or the city?: woods
Pepsi or Coke?: coke
Adidas or Nike?: Are those shoes?
Love Life -
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be?: no one
What is the biggest turn on?: staying away from me
Where is the best place to be kissed?: ok, so what's up with this kissing junk?
Do you have a b/f or g/f?: No, thank heavens
Do you want one?: eventually
When was your first kiss?: never been kissed (and is happy about it)
Past -
First grade teachers name?: I remember kindergarten and second and third...not first...it will probably come to me later.
Last word you said?: Do I ever shut up?
Last song you sang?: something from Stacy Orico
Last time you bled?: When I caught a stray kitten on our property to give it away...
Favorite show as a child?: cartoons!
Present?: present what?
What's in your CD player?: Barlow girl
Color socks you are wearing?: White
Future -
Are you going to college?: yeah
Do you have to pay bills?: maybe...I pay for college, my parents cover car and living costs.
Do you want to pay bills?: No
Do you do your own laundry?: yeah, and normally everyone else's in the house as well.
Do you clean all the bathrooms in your house?: no, that's what Julie is here for
How many TVs are in your house?: um...Well, my dad does High end audio...So we don't have any...just a big screen TV...which I don't like...I would rather have a small one. (Migranes from it being that big) (in apartment 1)
How many phones are in your house?: there are four I think...(in apartment none)
How many beds are in your house?: 8, and in my apartment 4
How many couches are in your house?: 3 and in apartment 1
What are you thinking right now?: I should be sleeping and like no one will read this all the way through so its a complete waste of my time because no one really cares anyways...
What is your favorite store in the mall nearest you?: I have not been to the mall closest to me since...like...forever...or since I worked there.
Would you ever like someone 3 years younger than you?: normally.
If there are typos...its cuz of the time of night...i so should have been sleeping.