Thursday, July 08, 2004

Yay for over-staffing...yay for...rain??? Its been really cold here lately. Today it decided to rain. Because of the over-staffing in the office and the rain keeping everyone inside, someone was going to be sent home. Julie said she was going to go, and I asked the manager if it could be me instead, since I work more, am full time, was really tired, and have a take home test. My manager told me that I could go home, and Julie would stay. Julie is on thin ice as the managers say, so when something like that comes up, she is normally the last to get a favor. I was just glad she showed up to work at all. A few of the employees don't think its necessary to show up to work. Oh well. So, I have really enjoyed this day off. But I Have to work on my take home test some. It is due at six tonight. I will try to write later...I have been so out of it and busy I have not been able to in a while. Well, ta ta.


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