Saturday, October 08, 2005

For my father's birthday

I did remember my father's birthday. I had it on my calendar long before MoM told me about it. It took me longer to finish my father's present than I had thought it would. I mailed it out regular mail...Since I am, ya know, a college student. I drew a sketch for my dad. It is of two elephants standing in front of a sunset. It is all done in regular pencil. I then made a black backing/frame and glued the picture on it, leaving two inches of black on each side. I made an envelope, since all mine were too small by putting two large, brown envelopes together. I put cardboard around it and mailed it off regular mail, still cost me a few dollars. He should be getting it soon. I do not have to worry about spoiling the surprise, since my father does not read my blog, unless my mother makes him.


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