Thursday, June 09, 2005

Head & Shoulders...Stories of Andrew

I just had a very unusual conversation with my little brother Andrew. Have you ever had to explain to a child which part of your body the head & shoulders shampoo cleans? Well, I just did. When Andrew showers, we put him in the front bathroom with the door slightly ajar and any big kid walking by usually goes in and checks on him. Well, this time I decided to go in and check on him. I asked him if someone had already given him shampoo, soap for his hair, or if he needed some. He said he had but he needed the soap for his shoulders. I said, its for your whole body, not just your shoulders, and reached for some hand soap (the closest we had to body soap). He said, he wanted to use Head & Shoulders on his shoulders since that is what it is for. So, after convincing the little chap that it was not for his shoulder but his hair and he did not need that, I gave him the hand soap for his "shoulders." He takes the soap in his hands and rubs it in his hair. Frustrated I tell him not to put it in his hair because it will ruin it. He looked hopeful for a second and asked what kind of hair he got instead of his. I told him he would keep his hair but it would be different...and yeah, I made something up. I then gave him soap to scrub up with and then told him I would let him use Head & Shoulder if he would not scream if it got in his eyes. On his promise, I put it in his hair and scrubbed it, rinsed him off and pulled him out. He dried himself and got ready for bed.
Dad takes off to La Honda, meaning movies, ice cream, and tons of fun. So, he leaves and the first thing my MoM wants to do is watch StarGate, so with Dad out of the way (aka gone) she put on StarGate. I get up from my laptop, strategically placed so I can watch StarGate while doing this, and other things. I get up to go to the bathroom and run smack dab into Andrew, who had sneaked out of his room and would stand in the hall watching the computer. And I thought I had BUSTED him, oh yeah, I sounded the alarm... (We as kids got spanked every time we were caught watching without permission) and my mom put him in his room and closed the door, that is it...a closed door... No, I am not mad that if I had been born tenth instead of second I could have gotten out of a lot of punishments, but then, I might have turned out to be a brat instead of a wonderful, caring, loving girl...or not.


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