Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Hurm...who wants to know?

Well, It is always difficult for me to tell people what is going on here. Which one of the many things that has happened do you want to know about? Do you want to hear about my work, and how I had to work seven days in a row? Do you want to hear about the accident and the wind storm? Do you want to hear about the fight I was in? Do you want to hear how it is raining tonight in the summer? Do you want to know about the power outage from 4 pm to the next morning on the night Jon's and my homework assignments were due online? Do you want to hear about my new painting and how it is turning out? Do you want to hear about the candy jar that refuses to stay full? What about the chickens, do you want to know about rounding up the chickens? Do you want to know what happened when I was out in the sales area showing some bamboo and a chicken ran and sat on my foot, waiting to be picked up? How about the last book I read, do you want to know which one that was? Or the book I am reading to the four small children that will be taken away if Dad ever finds out what it is about? Do you really want to know how much I hate my Romans class? Or how Applications of Technology is a busy work, easy class, but time consuming? Do you want to know Rogers new discovery? Did you want to know about our ducks and the sadness that the power outage came when they were so small that one decided life was too much work? Do you want to know the only flavor Gatorade my mother had in the house? Or that I do not like Lemon-Lime as much as Tropical Fruit? Do you want to hear about how my MoM let Julie completely take over the netflix subscription for the summer, and she wastes it on Anime? Do you want to know what happened to my computer and why it is in four different locations at the same time? Or why Jon stole my monitor and left the computer in an enclosed storage area (with a door that everyone leaves open) and threw my printer in the bottom of the cleaning closet, and left my keyboard in a box of books? Or how I hooked up my mouse to my laptop to see if it would improve my gaming skills? Or how I came to the realization that nothing would ever improve my gaming skills because there are no skills there to improve? Would anyone care to hear that I am tired? Would you be interested to know that I miss my friends greatly? Would you care to know my Dad's fathers day present and how it was opened early and all the kids stole some of it? Would it matter that it was oil paints and he does not know that my MoM bought three other boxes full and hid them until Father's day? Who would want to know that my father does not read my blog and therefore, it does not matter what I say pertaining to him? Do you want to hear about the ABC books I am helping my siblings make? Or about what food is available here? Or when Jared is coming to visit me and 57 days seems like a long time? And should I go to bed and answer these later?


Blogger Ma Hoyt said...

I want to hear about that book you're reading to the kids.....

*evil grin*

And then, I want to know what you'll give me to not spill the beans to your dad....

And, after that, I want to go take a nap, 'cause, reading your blog has made me think I'm not doing nearly enough, and now I am, like, SOOOO depressed.....I feel like crawling back into bed...

Thursday, June 09, 2005 5:39:00 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Well, the book I am reading to the kids is called The Giggler Treatment by Roddy Doyle
My MoM does not want my Dad to know about it because the main plot line is when adults are mean to children the Gigglers leave a pile of dog poo for them to step in as punishment. My dad would probably find it inapropriate and my MoM did not want to risk having him find out and remove the book...especally before we get to the end.

As for what to give do I know that you are able to contact my Dad? Just as the people trying to sell things...He has set up people around him to screen all calls, my dad does not use IM...and right now...he is out of there! HA!

Your a mother, you are doing more than enough. Remember, you are not as young as you used to be. ;-)

Thursday, June 09, 2005 9:46:00 PM  
Blogger MoM said...

With all that said. Thank God I am not young like you anymore. I have lived life to the fullest each day...survived and actually enjoyed it but there is lots I don't want to relive. I just look forward to the knowledge that you to will experience life as I have. Good Luck and I'll be praying for you.

Sunday, June 12, 2005 11:22:00 AM  

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