Thursday, December 23, 2004

Got to love great internet connections...Sorry, I had to brag...But, of course, that is not hard to do when you live in CA

Well, I have made it through another day. I was going to blog yesterday but a headache took me under. I spent the first half of the day getting up, eating spaghetti for breakfast, brushing teeth, and grabbing shoes, hair brush, and stuff and running out to the car. The first group had already headed out at eight that morning. We arrive at the dentist's office...and they start getting us mixed up. Secretary: "Ok, so that is Jonathan?" MoM: "no, that is Daniel, his look-a-like" Sec: "Oh, ok, and which one is that?" MoM: "Rachel" Sec: "oh, and the little one is Andrew" MoM: "right" Rachel: "Just sort us by last is easier." *The lady smiles at me, looks at the pile of records and the list of names, sighs and sits down* There were only 11 of us Gullmans in there that morning...
We did alright in the cavities section...I having some of the fewest at TWO. Yes, ladies and Gentleman...only two. I was sooo happy. It sure beat the 12 cavities plus a root canal I had last Christmas. The other kids had 0, 1, 3, 4 and um, I forgot but even my dad had a the cleaning lady put starts at your father and gets worse with each of the boys. :-D Another reason being a girl is great... Oh, and I got the fun lady...last time I paid my brother to switch with me so I could go to her.
Then we returned home. Julie went to work and Rebecca returned. Then I got to do my only bit of Christmas shopping...I did not get anything. I had a huge headache and was in charge of the three youngest children the whole time. With Andrew disconnecting my arm and Raquel disconnecting my ear and Robert being disconnected...I had my hands full. So, after having more "fun" than I did at the dentist...we went home.
Dad went to La Honda...which means....PPPAAARRRTTTTYYYY...oh yeah.
After sending the kids to bed we grabbed huge bowls of ice cream and sat down for a movie. I like the movie Hidalgo. It was a really cool movie.

Today was pretty lame...
MoM got up at 8 and closed the door so the little kids would not wake me, since I had had a migrane last helped a lot...I had to get up anyways at 8:30. I was in my dad's waterbed since he was out of town. He is here tonight so I get to have the living room...oh yay... I get up and grab a doughnut for breakfast...well, two actually and a cup of hot chocolate and walk to work. I get to work with my MoM who walked out to turn off the alarms and turn on the heaters for me. She was also there to give Sandie her presents. Sandie is my manager. Since I work in the company my father owns and live on the property that the business is on, I get some more freedom than other workers...and sometimes less but that is another story. I work an hour and a half then take off with my little brother to the orthodontist. I have not worn my retainers in months and told him so. He wants to make me new ones...I said no or more like "I will think about it and talk it over with my mother and if she says it is alright than I will give you a call and make an appointment for a new retainer in the next few days, otherwise I will see you in six months" and so he wants to see me back in six months...
I come home to my MoM making spaghetti and we have it for lunch. I also try a new sort of spinach dip...Horrible stuff...only Robert liked give a hint of how bad it really was. It tasted like onions. yuck.
Then I head back to work. I talk to customers, work on making and fixing pot labels, label pots that the guys bring me, answer the phones (they are new and I only hung up on one person, which turned out to be an ex-employee so that was alright) talk to more customers, and do general office work.
After that...I did a really horrible thing...I feel so bad about it. I ignored most of my friends, and played yahoo games...yes, computer games! I spent hours on Jewel Quest getting 106895 points and played Insaniquarium to where I beat every level they had available. Yes, today is a sad day. I sat for hours with Andrew on my lap clicking away. So, I am sorry to all those I ignored.

Another random though...Everyone seems to be complaining about internet...Dial up or something....Well, I just thought you all should know that I have DSL and the internet connection here is better and faster than at school. So, for those who have snow..Enjoy it...for those who have whatever you have been bragging about...Enjoy it...I am enjoying a fast connection and internet all the time whenever I want it, and however I want it. :-D


Blogger Liz said...

snow makes me happy :) merry Christmas eve!!!

Friday, December 24, 2004 8:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 cavities!!?? Dang, I haven't had a cavity in....10 years? something like that. ;) Hm, hope the headaches go away, you could always try dunking your head in incredibly hot water. Don't think it'll work, but thought I'd suggest something. Ok, so, yeah, I don't have great net connection, however, I'm enjoying not having ANY siblings around! Ooh, ooh, can you get super beast master on Noah's Ark? ;)

Hope your christmas is good Rachel, God be with you and your family

Uncle Doug

Friday, December 24, 2004 9:53:00 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 24, 2004 10:25:00 PM  

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