A ton has happened, and I have not blogged in a bit.
Since the last blog, I got worse.
On Wednesday night at around midnight, I suddenly felt so much pain in my stomach I though my stomach had ruptured or somehow exploded. I crumple from the pain and get myself into my suitmates room, where they were in bed. I hit the floor, crying out in pain. Sarah calls Nikki Leatherwood, then helps me into the elevator and then to outside, I crumple on the ground again...I thought I was dying. Nikki gets there and takes me to the ER. The pain was bad, sometimes worse, sometimes a little less. I get in the ER and they ask me my name, birthday, and "what brings you here?" I am like, MY STOMACH HURTS! So, I get to sit in the waiting room waiting (go figure) and I am crying. One of the other people waiting there finally got sick of no one helping me and went to find a nurse to look at me. Random side note: X-files was playing on the TV. By now I have been in pain for about 45 minutes to an hour. They pull me in a another room, and ask me my name, birthday, and what's wrong. I cannot speak, due to the pain, so Nikki starts to tell them. They stop her and say, we are sorry, we have to hear it from the patient. So, when able to talk, I tell them. He looks at me and then says...so, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much pain are you in. I am like: 100!!!!!! (yeah, I was getting cranky) They give me a "bracelet" with my information on it. Then they take me into ANOTHER ROOM...and they are like, ok, strip to your underwear and put this on. Yeah, this was those cute
little hospital gowns...I hate them. I really did not care what I had on, if it would get rid of the pain, I would do it. So, all the nurses are guys (what did ya expect) and yeah, luckily the pain kept me from getting embarrass at all. One comes in and jams an IV in my arm. He asked me if I was right handed, I said yes, and he looks at my left wrist, which has my watch and hospital band, and he decides to go for the right hand anyways. So, I deal with that. Then he takes a bunch of blood. Again, I am left, still in pain mind you! Then the next guy comes in, and pokes my finger to take my blood sugar, and it was normal. Then one comes in and hands me a cute little cup with a lid...yeah, you all should know what that's for. A little while later, another one comes in and shoots something into the IV. Then a nurse comes in for more information. What is your address here...I am like, I have no idea, ask Nikki. Insurance info...I am like, there is my wallet, have fun. Nikki gives her all the information she desires and she leaves. The doctor comes in, and after answering the obvious questions about being pregnant or sexually active (I am not, in case you had any doubts....Although this would be a really funny way to tell your family) He then leaves. I am then suppose to drink this huge cup of nasty "tang flavored" liquid. I am falling asleep by this time, and still in pain, and yeah, it was GROSS...So gross in fact my stomach decided to return it to the bed... Still falling asleep, and according to Nikki saying all sorts of really random things, they come in and hand me ANOTHER CUP of really NASTY tasting tangy liquid, this time its worse, there is a after taste and a horrible stinging in my mouth with every sip. I get a quarter of the way done, and I am DONE, as in if they wish to see it again force me, otherwise get a life. They keep pestering me, and every time Nikki poked me, I took a sip and then fell asleep. Poke, drink, poke, drink... The whole time, she said I kept telling her random things...I guess I talked about IMing, computers, friends, and stuff... and then the world went black...very black... I only remember being told to leave my hands above my head, and disagreeing with that completely...and being told not to breathe, I was like, riiiight you idiots, I am just going to hold my breath now for you. yeah, so I did not, I guess I was having some sort of cat scan done. The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed...looking around...and going to the darkness again...
Then they decide to do another operation, I am sleeping on and off...nights, days, there is no difference to me. They wake me at five in the morning, and jab a needle in my arm....the nurse cannot get any blood to come out (Rachel 1, Vampires 0). So, she gives up and leaves, and I go back to sleep. Then another nurse comes in, and she said that the last nurse could not do it so she had too. She gets the blood...and then leaves again. Then there is a guy standing in my room with a wheelchair and a big smile (people learn! Don't smile in the morning!!!) I get in the wheelchair and off we go...across the street. We go down and up in elevators, cross the bridge across the road, and I am taken to another area. They start hooking me up to machines again, heart one (hearing your heart beat is annoying) I convince the nurse to let me go to the restroom and then go back and lay down, get rehooked up to the heart one, then IV, then oxygen. Then I fall asleep...It is now like 8 in the morning. They wake me and start asking me questions...Yeah, I answered them, although I don't know what I said. Then they ask if I mind being observed by a student. I am like, sure, the more the merrier. What they don't tell you is that they will explain what they are doing to you to the student so you have to hear what you are going through. "We are going to do a internal...blah blah, and the external..blah blah will be this afternoon...We take the camera and stick it down her throat and have a look....She will be given anesthesia and be asleep for this process though, to control the gag reflex....Etc..." While hearing this they put something in my mouth, turn me on my side, and the world then goes black...Again.
I wake up, and the doctor tells me all sorts of neat things, which I remember for a grand total of like five minutes. I guess I did not look so great, because when the smiley dude came back to get me to my room, he pushed the bed instead of moving me to a wheel chair. I return to my room... more sleep.
Then I am more awake, and hungry (only clear liquids) people visit, more then I have ever had visit me when I was in the hospital before, well, the grand total, that evening there were only five, because most of my friends had class.
During the time (which I have lost track of) I played uno with my "hospital" room mate, her mother, and aunt. She is just a few years older than me. Watched TV, visited with the friends that came, read a book (thanks to Moore), Tied knots, or attempted too (thanks to Ziggy) and painted with my brushes (brought by Sarah)
The rest of the time was kind of confusing, I could only tell time was passing by the amount of times they woke me to take my blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. (they would wake me up three to four times a night and all throughout the day)
Saturday, they decide that they do not know what's wrong, and I would be better off at home then there, so I call Anna to pick me up and after much ado, they release me. My MoM calls as they are wheeling me through the door, and I say hi and bye to her. We go to a dress shop, and I looked at dresses while Anna did what she went there for. Talked to Sarah on the cell, and then went to my room, showered (FINALLY!) (they never changed the sheets, let us shower, or give us anything for personal hygiene) My hospital roommate and I left on the same day.
Yeah, so that covers the hospital time...More later, since this post is WAY TOO LONG.