Sunday, November 14, 2004


Right after commenting that I lost my Username/ Password I decide to try once more...and I figured it out!!!
Life has been normal...except for when it has been weird.
New news...well, i have a boyfriend now...but I know none of you are interested in hearing about that.
Good news...classes are going well
Bad news...Did horrible on a Macro quiz...
Old news...there is not enough time in a day to do everything I want to do.
So, I had fun today watching a play...wait for what its called...i think.
I also attended a five hour lunch with Americanos Para Cristo. It was fun.
I am going to bed now...and now that I know my password/username, i will blog later.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I had a reason for this post...Oh look, there it is...

Don't you just hate it when you get distracted? Well, that just happened to me. I sit down at my computer after getting out of my 8 am class. I open up this window to write this post...and my MoM IMs me. So, I talk to her for a bit about stuff. I then decide to look at my blog...and then i start following links...Responding to comments...and next thing i know...its 11 am, people are getting out of their 9:30 classes, suitemate is waking up, and I am staring at this page wondering why on earth I opened it. What was I going to write? I begin to debate with myself what I was going to put here.
Was it that I watched a horror film last night? (yeah, Rachel sat...Err slept through a horror movie) This summer I could not even watch the X-files. I am no more tolerant of horror films now than I was before. I spent most of the movie hiding under a pillow...My eyes were closed so often that i fell asleep...and my wonderful friends left me that way. Does that count as watching a horror film? I mean I made it through it, as in I did not run screaming from the room. I woke up for the end...pretty much it seemed that it was a guy walking around with an ax to kill his wife and son, and his wife walking around with a knife to protect her and her son, and her son running from the father. Oh, and you cannot leave out the random people appearing and disappearing...spirits from the past I guess. The movie was called "The Shining."
Was I going to write that I did homework yesterday? I did do the homework, but it is highly unlikely I would talk about it here.
Then, after decided to hang it all and go to bed. I remembered...
Here is what I was really going to write about:
It is fine arts week. I turned in my painting and two of my drawings...and when I was heading off to class, I saw them hanging on the wall. I was shocked. It is so weird to see it hanging with a bunch of other work in a long hallway. It says nothing but my name underneath..."Rachel Gullman" So very strange. The other work looked to be sketches, photos, poems, and other stuff...I did not get a great look at it, being that I was late to class and only glanced at it on my way by.
See, getting distracted is, I am hungry, and I did not get my nap today. I think I may go eat, then come back for my nap.

Monday, November 01, 2004 to love him.

I did a Lord of the Rings personality test....and, yes, i Pippin!!!!!!!!!! This makes me happy. *runs around the library dancing and singing* Yay, yay, yay....(can you tell I am sleep deprived?) of...

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (42%) moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Orderliness (18%) low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion (70%) high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

trait snapshot:
messy, outgoing, open, self revealing, ambivalent about chaos, unpredictable, not good at saving money, social, likes large parties, likes to stand out, risk taker, quick to make friends, does not like to be alone, rash, fame seeking, sarcastic, craves attention, social chameleon, low self control, food lover, not rule conscious, weird, assertive, not a perfectionist, anti-authority, thrill seeker, vain, likes to fit in, reckless, emotionally sensitive, leisurely, trusting