Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Well, I did not think I would have time to update this so close to that sarcastic remark, but alas sleep eludes me. I have been sick so this will probably not be the most happy post but it may turn out all right in the end.
Tonight I woke up coughing and unable to breath, tossing and turning in my bed. Normally at home, someone wakes up and starts forcing me to do things like sit up, and hand me my inhaler and are generally very helpful. When I wake up without being able to breath, sometimes I seem to be in a middle stage between awakeness and asleepness, I am aware of my surroundings but seem totally helpless and unable to do anything. Like I know I need to sit up, but I cant make my body work. Here my mind was going through the possibilities of someone wonderful coming to help, like my mother, and it looked rather dim, the fact being that she is in CA right now and I am not. Well, the whole time my brain is doing this wonderful thinking my body is still missing one important thing...Air. I am still coughing so hard I am almost gagging, when suddenly I manage to stop coughing and can lie still and rest for a moment, as long as I don't try or want to breath...And I being the very demanding person I am try to get some more air, thus causing me to start coughing and gasping and flopping again. All the while my brain is moving at a hundred miles per hour. I also had the sudden realization that I was in my bed here at school thus I was not as close to the ground as I would care for it to be, and falling would just hurt. So, I not being able to breath and all, I somehow made it to the bottom of my bed and to the ground, I was shocked that I made it, and ran to my purse where I knew my inhaler would be. Now, not saying anything against women's purses, but we do tend to carry around a lot of useless junk! Normally I can get to my inhaler in a jiffy and never have a problem, but when you are coughing and cant breath and you grab your purse in a dark room, it of course the stuff you want has to be a little harder to find. I slightly dump my purse and find the inhaler, yay!, then I get to put it together. I always wonder why they did not put it as one piece, although its probably because some people only use one part. I put the inhaler to my lips and end up being able to breath in some of the medicine, well, the results are not instant as I would prefer, so I coughed more but was able to control it a little, and on the second puff I could stop coughing enough to catch my breath...And BREATH! I am still coughing a lot and it is still hard to breath, but I can and that is all that matters. It can be a little painful, and I can really feel it when I cough, but I am alive!
After a few experiences like that songs like "you are the air I breath" have a whole new meaning. Breathing is something that most people on this planet don't think twice about...Its just something you do. Most people don't think of every breath you take God gave you. Every time you inhale, he knows it, and every time you don't he does too. I sometimes find myself complaining about not enough free time or not knowing what classes I am going to take next semester, and why hasn't God shown me those things or given me more...When I haven't stopped to thank Him for the stuff He has given me, what He has shown me. He has given me great friends, who are there to support me and just to hangout with, and He has given me the most awesome family, I wouldn't trade any of them for the world and all its riches. He has given me the opportunity to go to a university, and a Christian one at that! My time at a non-Christian community college was enough to make me know how blessed we are to be surrounded by people who love and believe in the same God, rather than people who hate your God and try to bring you down. He has given me a prayer warrior, my grandmother, who prays for me every morning as I go about my day! I have all my needs met and He has filled my cup to overflowing. I can seriously say that I am blessed and glad to be alive! I love you all! Everyone needs hugs!


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