Monday, March 08, 2004

Some random quotes I heard (Guys, these are meant as a joke, don't be offended!) here they are:
"I wouldn't be a man hater if I ever met a man not worth hating",
"I like guys too! Just not the ones I have met.",
"The little ones [boys] are not as stupid, the ones my age are.",
"I always forget that guys are different.",
"Their just all engineers. All of them are engineers and computer people. Where are the real guys?",
"I like _____[guys name*] better than ___[guys name*], can we trade?",
"I think that _______ [Guys name*] is afraid of me." (in response to that) "that's a good sign!"

*removed as to remain anonymous.

Other random quotes:
Your a freak and a weirdo, but that's ok because we love you anyways.
Speak for yourself you loser.
don't call suicidal people losers!
Did you, um, put any punctuation in this?
The goal of the chair is to reach the perfect form of "chairness" (not the exact wording)

A new word: Gauche- rude and crude


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