Monday, February 07, 2005

Blame Jared

First, I would like to say I am sorry for not posting in like...FOREVER. Is it my fault that boyfriends are fun to hang out with? I think not. Although he blames me for his lack of posting...I seriously do not know what his problem is...I mean, come on... I have decided...for the millionth time to...blame Jared. I could also blame this horrible peice of...junk...some have the nerve to call a computer. I mean, really, it has soooooo many issues that IT turned off my port. I of course, did not know what was going on and Doug (since my boyfriend cannot fix computers....ah well) came up and ran some virus scans and plugged my cable into where my roommates cable would have gone...if i had a roommate...which I do not. *evil grin* So, now I am sort of back up and running. The computer still has pop ups, virus warnings, and that kind of thing.
In my free time (har har) I have been painting, sketching, coloring (ECE Major...), reading (oh yeah, I got a bunch of GREAT books), napping, eating, hanging or talking to friends, spacing out(seems to be what I have been doing ALOT much to be healthy I fear.) and yeah that whole keeping up relationships thing.
Well, I have been behind in homework and sleep. So, I am going to do one of those things now. But I shall try to improve on my updating thing.


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